Julius Ceasar, Alexander the Great, Genghis Khan and many more…
These people had beliefs and worldviews that were so horribly, by today’s standards, that calling them fascist would be huge understatement. And they followed through by committing a lot of evil.
Aren’t we basically glorifying the Hitlers of centuries past?
I know, historians always say that one should not judge historical figures by contemporary moral standards. But there’s a difference between objectively studying history and actually glorifying these figures.
People glorify Winston Churchill. He was a piece of shit. He was just like Hitler wrt the countries england colonized. But he’s sooooo loved. I hope he’s a human centipede in hell.
The Churchill example I think demonstrates the OP’s misunderstanding, in that all of them did terrible things/were horrible people, but excelled at being effective leaders in the context they were in.
Churchill was a terrible human being, racist, abrasive, homophobic, a drunk etc etc. But he was an outstanding wartime prime minister, because he was a talented war strategist, a compelling speaker and, frankly, had enormous balls.
We can go back and try and just classify every human into the good/bad boxes, but that reduces away all the details that make them so interesting.
British people revere Cromwell too. It’s really something to behold for Irish people.
The British really do love a ‘charismatic’ murderer.
That would be absolute horrible punishment to the person behind him in the centipede.
Its hell. You can loop him around.
Then he’d be eating his own ass, that’s hardly punishment
I did not think of that aspect. But wouldn’t that just be the case in the human centipede too?