Everyone I know, even more “progressive” people, treat me like a damn alien for not prioritizing getting a new car since mine died over covid.

Why does nobody blink an eye at this habit people have of just… Sitting in their car in the driveway? Its not on, there’s no music, they aren’t leaving - they’re just sitting there for an hour or more. I see it fairly often, but if I mention it being odd people look at me like I’m dumb. Are we really THAT car centric now that it’s this normalized to be like “fuck my living room, fuck my TV, fuck my couch, I just wanna sit in my car all day?”

  • dustyData@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    Nice strawmans. You are really good at constructing them. I’m against cars, but I fight against the culprits, oil and manufacturing companies and corrupt politicians who run car centric policies under billionaires lobbying. I don’t attack people who are forced into a lifestyle that leaves them no healthy avenues for mental health or that deprives them of healthier life choices. Yours is the logic that criminalize the homeless for sleeping in their cars in a public parking lot. You get out with your twisted logic. This is not about being cruel to the people forced to depend on cars, it is against the system that forces us all into that unhealthy lifestyle.