Right now, Callisto Protocol is available for free on the epic games store.

Looking at their marketing, it reminds me a lot of Dead Space. Starting from the immersive UI with the health bar on the players suit, to that sign in the trailer that tells me to shoot the limbs of the enemies. And I mean, the enemies don’t look that different, basically some kind of aggressive infected zombie thingies. And then, the whole setting seems so similar: a space outpost being overrun by some kind of zombie virus.

Did anyone here play both Dead Space and Callisto Protocol? Did you find them very similar?

  • SturgiesYrFase@lemmy.ml
    7 months ago

    But overall it came up short

    Know what was actually really, really good?
    The tie in podcast. Great production value, great voice actors, and really great story, character development and pacing!
    I grab Calisto Protocol off Epic, but only because it’s free. I watched some reviews and gameplay footage, and it’s…kinda meh. From what I saw of gameplay, the story is a bit reductive, and, unless they fixed it the melee combat is a bit of a joke.