Honestly this is absurd. These death machines shouldn’t be legal in europe. That thing doesn’t even fit in the parking space, even though the parking lot has the biggest spaces in the whole city. The Golf Polo is so small in comparison, it could even hide in front of the engine hood of the truck.
EDIT: It’s a Polo and not a Golf, I don’t know my cars, sorry for that!
I mean… No. They do not. The car fits 4 tiny people.
I’m 6’4. I drove tiny sedans for years, for all the reasons you’d think.It was physically painful for me. I finally couldn’t do it anymore. In no way would my tall family fit in that tiny car.
Are trucks way too big? Yes. Should public transport be easily accessible and prioritized? Absolutely. Is the seating in those vehicles the same. Not at all.
4 tiny people. Lmao like you are the average at 6’4. Get your head out of your behind.
There are small cars with higher roofs. But please elaborate why tall peoples’ only way of transportation in cars is trucks :D
Yep, I’m also 6’4" and I drive a subcompact hatchback perfectly comfortably.
And while I’m the tallest, my tall family has no issues.
How much leg room does the person behind you have?
9-10 in with the seat all the way back
This is a weirdly common issue in this sub, people dismissing one person’s issue or use case offhand, because it doesn’t align with their preconceptions.
Most small cars don’t have anywhere near the leg room of a big vehicle, especially with multiple occupants.
I didn’t say you need a truck, or that I’m average. But comparing the space inside these two vehicles as equal is just not true.
I’m 6’4 and I can fit very comfortably in a Polo. Volkswagen Polos are in the top 10 best selling cars in the Netherlands, along with Opel Corsa, Toyota Yaris, Peugeot 208 and Kia Picanto. All compact cars that are perfectly comfortable in the front seats selling great in a country where being 6’4 isn’t rare.
Agree, I’m 1.93 and was so happy about my MINI as that car is designed for up to 2m tall drivers.
SUVs are idiotic as people movers.
With anyone in the back? Because I drove a Jetta for years, which has a surprisingly spacious front seat. Unfortunately, unless your legs were two dimensional, you did not fit behind me.
What about the back seat, with your lanky ass sitting up front?
As a 6’5 i disagree. The small car is a renault clio 2007 model, a regular hatchback. I owned one of those and could drive it fine.
Dont compare it to a opel corsa or 211, those are tiny af and too small for us lol
The small car is clearly a Volkswagen, the badge on the front is visible. It’s a pre-facelift Polo mk5, though, and as a fellow tall person whose brother had one for a while I know I fit in it fine
Huh, from afar it looked like the renault emblem. But ye, polo fits fine too if the chair/wheel are set right
Sorry for phrasing it quite so grouchily. I didn’t mean for it to come across like that, but re-reading it now it was quite rude of me
Oh, no problem. We both live on the internet, you know how it is haha.
That, and it didnt come across as rude to me lol
2 in the back and 2 in the front is fine for people with average size 1.85m height and normal posture. 3 in the back no but that is the case for a lot of cars unless they have separate seats. If you are taller then no every car works for you as well as I know from my uncle and nephews which are 2m
1.85m is nowhere near average for human population unless if you are only thinking about males. Even then it’s a stretch.
6ft 2 here, I drive a smart car. Heaps of space
For you, about anyone is tiny. And you are one of the very few who would actually need a larger car. And don’t you come with “but all my friends in my basketball team are like that!”
They probably don’t need a larger car. I’m 6’6" and drive a Corolla.
I often wonder how basketball players drive sports cars. Maybe from the back seat?
Anyway, no. When friends ask if they should buy the same vehicle, I tell them to get a smaller one if they fit. Cheaper gas, maintenance, and easier to park…That or buy an RV.
One of the doctors in the hospital I once worked was >2m (6ft8in for the metrically challenged) and drove a Porsche. Seeing him folding into that car was quite interesting.
Just how gigantic are your family? Are you a family of elephants?
I (5 foot 10, really long legs) drove an old Nissan Micra (slightly bigger than a Mini) for years and the size never bothered me. My brothers and dad are taller than me and they’ve always driven small hatchbacks. Suzuki Swift, Volkswagen Polo, that kind of thing. Seats can go all the way back, and both the Swift and the old Micra have high enough roofs.