How the hell did the character get so viral? I’ve tried watching the skits several times to see if maybe I’m missing something, but for the life of me, I can’t seem to see it. Is everyone just biased because it’s Tom Hanks? Or is it actually hilarious, and I’m just struggling to understand the humor? Fall/Spooky season is my absolute favorite time of year, but am I just a buzz kill?

    5 months ago

    This is exactly it. It’s not Tom Hanks, it’s the idea that it’s so stupid and they went all in. The viral part is beyond me. But I chuckle every time I see it because it represents some terrible idea shoved down your throat. And maybe it’s just me but it reminds me of the nonsense in Idiocracy. Just laughing at garbage. They’re laughing at themselves in the skit. 73 floors of David s Pumpkins? I’m surprised they found that many non-pumkins floors