Flight of the Bumblebee.
Neil Diamond, of all people, has a version, which you might or might not like.
YT link, and URL fragment to add to your favourite IV instance: watch?v=6gbTDZcOkRw
Eh, pretty heavily derived. It’s probably more like heavy sampling.
Darude, sandstorm.
The Star Trek Theme was originally composed with lyrics.
Joke Answer: Star Trek Theme
I, too, would like to hear eldrich silent singing.
You can only hear the lyrics in your writhing mind.
Cbat by Hudson Mohawke. Is it actually about sex? Let’s find out.
Reddit won’t truly be obsolete until we one up the cbat sex thread
You know, I kinda wonder if there’s been more classic threads since the APIocalypse, but not enough to actually endure Reddit.
Jupiter - Holst
I can feel it at a funeral, a wedding, a birth, a Requiem for a nation defeated etc etc
I Vow To Thee My Country: https://youtu.be/GZNJFrb0IGo?si=dqEkteZvzqMGXEv0
Tangentially related: Barber also wrote his Adagio for Strings as an Agnus Dei. It’s great.
I was also thinking I’d love to hear some adagios being sung.
Yakety Sax
yakety sax is based on a song with lyrics! “yakety yak” by the Coasters
And - One Step Beyond
Bolero would be pretty awful with lyrics.
Playing God - Polyphia
The ice cream truck song!
(I’m kidding, don’t kill me.)
Spazzmatica Polka would surely be crazy.
The Bark and Below It by the Olivia Tremor Control.
Good luck to ya.
Non-joke answer, I’d be curious to hear what kinda lyrics you could give to Hang Up Your Hang Ups by Herbie Hancock.
Opus No1