👆 Exclusive. How North Korean soldiers are equipped with Russian equipment
Recently received footage that is no more than 72 hours old. This is the Serhiyiv training ground in the Far East of Russia.
That must be one of the shittiest concrete fences ever “made”.
I wonder what the North Koreans think of Russia. Like did they arrive and think, “what a shithole”? You know Kim can’t have them seeing anything decent or they will defect.
I’m glad I’m not the only one. It’s just some rebar, poorly covered in concrete. Like something a set designer would make for a cheap dystopian movie.
Also the fact you gotta hide that you’re filming your own army and allies should maybe be a clue you’re on the wrong side.
I am flabbergasted that Russia has training grounds. This is not a joke. I thought they just put you in a green overall, give you a 60 year old gun in one hand and a bottle of vodka in the other. And that’s it. Off you go!
I think they do jumping jacks at the train station before loading them onto cattle cars for the front.
No bullets either.
The one with the rifle shoots.
The one without, follows him. When the one with the rifle gets killed, the one who is following picks up the rifle and shoots!
I wonder if the language barrier will be an issue for these troops. Not sure how many norks speak Russian, but I’d imagine not many in the military would.
The hardest part is keeping track of all their booster seats. They have some very short people
Lack of proper nutrition has a tendency to do that.
If your a dictator, you ALWAYS keep your army fed.
Not in this case. Since the military is the only entity that could take kim down. Plus they were starving while developing as children, so even if the military was fed well, they’d still be pocket humans.
Sorry I didn’t articulate well: what I meant is a dictator relies on military force to stay in power. If a dictators military are not feeling they are being treated well, they will quickly have a new dictator that treats them better. Exactly what you mention in your 2nd sentence.
My guess is they will be compartmentalized to their own unit(s), with dual speakers coordinating with Russian units/leadership. Though, like you say, there probably aren’t very many of those, so these units will be particularly at risk if their rare dual speaker gets taken out. They could probably mitigate this a bit by having dual speakers in safer locations one tier up the command chain.
This all assumes they will be in front-line roles. It is possible they will get assigned to safer duties, freeing up Russian soldiers to go to the front.
Wait until these poor bastards find out what drone combat is like. It’ll blow their minds.
What’s the response going to be like from the rest of the world? It’s a big escalation to have another country join.