This is a great response, OP. Read it well.
This is a great response, OP. Read it well.
That’s a-morel!
Oh, there you are Peter.
Spiderman pointing meme
Tbf, The Falcon series was pretty good and touched on some subject material that’s otherwise almost completely absent in mass media.
So you’re saying skip the referees and scream directly at the children?
That’s just so the studio audience knows when to clap
So you’re saying that’s frowned upon?
Points to 40 years of Boomers ignoring their families and having zero work/life balance because it fueled their misbegotten sense of work-ethic superiority
A ton of petty, high school bully bullshit.
It’s because they’ve been too insulated from the violence that used to be incumbent in the wake of such asinine and harmful labor decisions. The decorum of the last 50 years has led these Boomers to think they are invulnerable.
Do not do this.
70% iso is actually more effective for killing bacteria, as the additional water helps to penetrate the cell wall. Higher concentration iso is better for dissolving crud off a bong tho.
Now this is how you anecdote.
Excellent story
Do you think they know the dolphins from SeaQuest DSV?
Fun fact: those blankets are made from the skins of Twilight vampires
Decimate, or decimate.
I hate her because her song choices are woefully poor mediums for her otherwise superlative voice. Her “artistry” ruins her talent.
That’s basically every metropolitan city in the US.
45 minutes outside of DC you’ll find plenty of MAGA mouthbreathers who directly benefit from their proximity, but who never see the irony of their opinions.
Anything can be observable, but “iterative processes” makes it sound fancy
Pretty ironic for someone with the handle, JokeDeity.