I did some searching, and apparently he’s a Five-spotted Hawkmoth, aka my garden nemesis, the tomato hornworm! Never knew those hornworms grew into these adorable giant moths.
[Image description: Large moth sitting on back of hand, covering about 1/3. Moth is fuzzy, with grey striping and prominent yellow spots running down its back.]
Eeeeeeeeeee I love it!!! I want to hug every little moth so much
They’re totally assholes as caterpillars but they grow up so handsomely :)
Eeeee! He looks so pettable.
Am I the only one here who really, really doesn’t like moths? A moth that size would send me.
I normally don’t, but this guy seems alright.
They’re super cool. We relocate a good number of them to the volunteer tomatoes in other garden areas when we remove them from our intentional ones.
I just squealed BABY! and startled my husband.
I saw the first picture and though it was so cute, but then I saw the moth’s size… I would be so intimidated… 😅
I don’t know why but this post really bugs me.
Your Hand must be tiny D:
Cool pics, thanks for sharing!
Cool photo! You’re a moth whisperer!