I get that they and all their up-voters might have valid reasons for needing a one. But at this point I’m not sure if they can even imagine buying anything other than a truck.

Wishing upon the stars that the oversized cars may still be oversized, but a tick smaller. And that last one just needs a Van.

  • Canopyflyer@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    Another parent on one of my kid’s team has a ridiculously huge Cadillac. It’s the size of a Suburban. She has one kid and not planning to have more.

    She made the mistake of making a backhanded comment about how my wife and I drive older cars to our faces. We have a 2014 Camry LE and a 2015 Lexus ES 300h. (Mine and wife’s respectively)

    So I asked her what type of contracting work she does. She looked at me with a bewildered expression. I went on and said; “well you drive a big work truck, I assumed you did construction or something.”

    The look she gave me could have melted steel.

    Just to be clear, I have a great deal of respect for the trades. She however is married to money, not terribly bright, and looks down her nose at just about everyone. So I knew that would hit a nerve with her.

    • FireRetardant@lemmy.world
      4 months ago

      Imagine judging someone for using a perfectly good car, it just isn’t the newest model on the market. That’s ridiculous and classist.