Have been using it for quite some time now and honestly I have found almost everything I searched for and once you set the router bandwidth properly, I was capable of downloading and seeding with 2MB/s. Satisfied my needs and gotta say not worrying about Letters coming to you is very calming
How is it compared to private trackers?
It’s kind of an apples to oranges. i2p is better at protecting your privacy in my estimation, but private trackers can be better at curating high quality torrents for example.
I don’t know of any private trackers on i2p and have just used Postman mainly (the other trackers have very limited content). Postman is OK but not nearly as good as regular private trackers. If what you want are blockbuster films and the latest TV, you’ll be fine. Anything particularly nerdy you will probably find too.
Really depends on how much of a niche the things you are looking for are. Content is quite easily to search with postman. As I personally don’t really use private trackers I don’t have a lot to compare to, but most torrents I have stumbled upon had a healthy amount of seeders on i2p
I have not tried it myself but I found a paper that compares i2p to tor for latency/bandwidth. https://www.freehaven.net/anonbib/cache/ehlert2011:usability-comparison-i2p-tor.pdf
Starred. I want it to be good, but I’m suspicious of the implementation
I also want it to be good, many public torrent websites are going down, this might be the future of torrenting.
How would you? It’s supposed to be an enclosed system.
What do you mean enclosed system? There are I2P trackers.
It is harder to use than Tor though. Qbittorrent also supports I2P.
Oh, interesting, I wasn’t aware.
What I meant is there’s supposed to be no access to/from the clearnet in I2P, since you asked.
But interesting to know there are I2P trackers.
Also, there are outproxies that provide access to clearnet. The public ones are usually overloaded and slow though.
I’m aware that there are, even though there really shouldn’t be because its purpose isn’t the same as TOR afaia.
I only found out when I saw a setting for I2P in qbittorrent, I went and researched about them.