Coming up to Christmas I generally make some small donations. Some of these I ask for as Christmas gifts because I’m old and basically have very basic wants and needs so I’m hard to buy for.

Curious to hear if / what others do.

I’ve expanded my annual list to include:

  • Wikipedia
  • (my home instance)
  • Mozilla (I’m not happy with how they spend their money necessarily but I’m very thankful to have Firefox)
  • Signal messenger
  • A few Ukrainian things ( is the official site if this is your thing but there’s a great lady on Reddit I give to occasionally too)
  • The guardian (I read so many articles from there linked on here that I feel like I should and I really appreciate the lack of paywall and easy cookie rejection but never use the site logged in)
    3 months ago, Wikipedia, Signal, Mozilla (I feel the same as you), and a bunch of patreons for artists.

    You might be interested in supporting Nebula, which is sort of like if YouTube was a creator owned coop. Lots of good content on there and I feel good about giving them money to compete with google.