Hey everyone.

I have my homeassistant setup. Something I’m looking to do is a simple alarm clock, slowly turning up my LED strip, and gradually say turning on music in 1% increments. But I really haven’t had much luck coming up with a not silly $100 + system to, just have a music player that hass can control. I have a basic bottom line tablet in our bedroom set up as a home assistant dashboard. we have a paid spotify account.

But I’m kind of losing my head trying to wrap around exactly what or how to actually get a controllable system. that can be set up in my bedroom without any costly additions to my bedroom. We have plenty of bluetooth speakers, but to my knowledge all of them require actually turning them on manually if they weren’t playing music before. Which kind of negates their value for an alarm clock.

  • hendrik@palaver.p3x.de
    3 months ago

    I think you either need a music player that is on or on standby 24/7, or build one yourself. That can be done with a microcontroller plus other components, some soldering and the ESPhome project.