I have an early 2000s house and they went wild with a) the sheer number of wall switches and b) the number of 3-way switches. I want to replace a good number of them while accepting my wife’s requirement that they look and function as dumb paddle switches when necessary.

I’ve looked around and these seem to be the best at fitting all of my requirements but Mama Mia, the price 😭 😭 😭 😭


Anyone have some suggestions?

  • 667@lemmy.radio
    2 months ago

    It’s been a while since I setup my system, but as I recall they are interconnected via the smart hub, and do not need internet at all. When I first configured our system, IOT was probably the topic of an exploratory whitepaper and not yet reliant on internet. But times have changed! Give it a bit more searching; we’ve been happy for quite a long time with the devices. They even have plugs which you can convert dumb devices to a smart HA device—but you’ll have to get them on eBay because they’ve been discontinued:/