So, if the Chinese don’t have an alphabet and use only pictograms comprising of over 6500 characters, how do they type on a keyboard? Do they have really large keyboards with over 6500 keys or do they just say “Screw Mandarin” and type in English (which can’t be true because I’ve seen Chinese characters on webpages/spam emails)? Is there some kind of algorithmic key pressing magic that goes on in order to produce said characters?

    2 months ago

    You gotta interact with that language, both in spoken and written (the former is more effective but the latter is more accessible) forms. Of course studying grammar and vocabulary is important, but it’s in the end a stepping stone so you can comprehend native content. Admittedly I have no idea if there’s even something like native Esperanto content, but yeah that’s the gist of it. It’s also best if the content you’re consuming is something you actually enjoy. I for example learned English from memes on Facebook and then Reddit, and learned Japanese from anime and light novels. Something to take into consideration is the n+1 rule, which says that when consuming content of a language you’re trying to learn, you should pick something where you can generally understand all words except one in a sentence. This allows you to use context clues to understand unknown words and makes the whole process more effective.

    Also something to note is that learning two languages at once is, in my experience, not a good idea. They’ll start mixing and pronunciation rules for one will leak into another and generally cause a headache that’s probably not worth it.

    PS: I keep saying consume because I’m too awkward to talk to native speakers, but that’s also a good option from what I hear.