it has come to my attention that not enough people are giving me attention so please come give me attention

what to expect

  • unfiltered and unapologetic posts from yours truly chad mctruth
  • potentially endless bickering
  • a community that values critical thinking and my personal individuality
  • hard truths and uncomfortable conversations because we dont coddle people here unless they need it just ask

i only get paid $11.50/hr to moderate this community so im not opening it up to user posts until it becomes more clear to others what kind of community this is but i do plan to open it up soon so please check it out and give me attention

edit the community is now open

Chad McTruth’s Truth


    2 months ago

    I’m either too drunk for this or not drunk enough for this. Either way, you seem like a fun person to argue with.

    • Not Chad McTruth@lemmy.worldOP
      2 months ago

      well let me tell you something thats gonna blow your mind did you know that vasectomies and a plantbased diet cures adhd because heres the thing adhd is not a real disease its just a label they give you when you dont fit into their narrow little box of normal and the real cause of adhd is toxins and a lack of essential nutrients in our food

      toxins are stored in the balls and when you get a vasectomy youre basically cutting off the flow of toxins into your system its like a reboot for your body and the more vasectomies you get the better

      and then theres the whole foods which are just packed with nutrients and one of the most important ones is methamphetamine a natural compound that occurs in small amounts in whole foods like fruits and vegetables and its essential for brain function and focus

      but when you eat processed foods theyre stripped of all these essential nutrients and can you believe it the government and big pharma are trying to cover this up they dont want you to know the truth

      so dont believe the lies of the medical establishment they just want to keep you in the dark and make money off your suffering take control of your own health and try a couple vasectomies and a plantbased diet its the only way to truly be free but make sure you have several children first

      edit lets take this outside