I’ve been able to set up sending and listening to http requests locally using I want to try doing it using the internet now.

I have a VPN with port forwarding enabled, but sending requests to that IP address and port does not yield a response like it did when doing it locally.

Can anyone clarify which address I should be listening on in order to receive http requests from the internet? I tried and a few inet addresses from ip add, but none of them work.

  • gedhrel@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    Assuming your vpn provides a stable remote IP, your client connection needs to use that. Try “whatsmyip” or similar over the vpn. The remote address almost certainly won’t appear in the local output of ip a.

    Locally, listen on the “this host”,

    You may need to check your firewall locally.

    You don’t need to run your http service to troubleshoot - simple tools like netcat can listen for incoming requests - nc -l 8000 or what-have-you.

    Finally: you might want to look at using a shell host as the client rather than targeting your vpn ip from your local host, just to take hairpin connections out of consideration when troubleshooting.