Could be a good thing or a bad thing for you; Witch King is very, very different from the Murderbot series. I see a lot of people liking one and hating the other (in both directions), and not a lot of people liking both.
My advice would be to have your expectations set like it was a completely different author.
Fair enough! I do like both fantasy and sci-fi, but haven’t been reading as much of the latter as I would like. I think Murderbot could be a good segue for it.
Could be a good thing or a bad thing for you; Witch King is very, very different from the Murderbot series. I see a lot of people liking one and hating the other (in both directions), and not a lot of people liking both.
My advice would be to have your expectations set like it was a completely different author.
Fair enough! I do like both fantasy and sci-fi, but haven’t been reading as much of the latter as I would like. I think Murderbot could be a good segue for it.