This is happening now, in the car

    20 days ago

    They need to start working with the judiciary on a plan to actually enforce judicial orders independent of the Executive branch. The courts need muscle. They need to deputize a large number of bailiffs and start enforcing court summons and orders directly. Don’t worry about finding funds to actually pay these deputized bailiffs; no appropriations are getting through Congress for this. But I’m sure you will have no problem finding a few thousand volunteers willing to act as temporary bailiffs. There are thousands of recently unemployed people in DC, who are very familiar with the layout of government buildings and the working of government offices. I’m sure you’ll get plenty of recruits among them. Need weapons? This is America; you’ll find plenty of patriotic people willing to donate firearms to arm this new squad of deputized bailiffs. We’re doing this Old West deputized posse style.

    Once sufficient bailiffs have been deputized, the courts need to start physically hauling in Musk and his goons, at bayonet point if necessary. If they refuse to comply with lawful court orders, then lock them up as necessary. If enough space can’t be found for them, or if the justice department doesn’t cooperate, improvise here as well. Lock people up in spaces private citizens volunteer, private warehouses and apartments if need be.

    Trump himself is likely off limits, but that matters little. He’ll quickly find that he has no one to give orders to, as all his appointed cronies willing to violate court orders are now rotting in jail. And while you can pardon people if they’ve received punishments for contempt of court, you can’t pardon people who are haven’t actually been charged or convicted of anything and are merely being held until they comply with court orders.

    This is war. And they need to start acting like it.

        20 days ago

        Well, spread it or something like it to everyone you know using every platform you have. I am just one woman. No need to even quote me directly. Spread the message. We need to start spreading ideas in the public consciousness about how to actually fight back. Also start emailing these courts directly. They should be bombarded with emails telling them to take actions like this to directly enforce their orders.