In the realm of wise investors and business moguls, Charlie Munger, the billionaire business partner of Warren Buffett, is a source of valuable advice. His interests span wide, but they all converge on a singular focus: the pursuit of wealth, happiness and the avoidance of making dumb mistakes. During the 2023 Berkshire Hathaway Inc. annual meeting, Buffett expressed his desire to be born in the present day, considering it a superior world compared to any before. He acknowledged that modern comm
Breaking story: Yet another rich asshole that has everything is telling you that you should be happy with having next to nothing.
We need to build more Titanic submarines.
He’s not wrong, he’s just an asshole.
He’s both wrong and an asshole. “Shifting expectations” to something more sustainable would have to mean that there was a sustainable option to begin with.
“And by ‘we’ I of course mean ‘you’.”
I will start expecting less right after he starts accepting less.
Instead of ripping that billionaire asunder in the streets and eating his heart while it is raw and still pumping i am willing for him to pay 95% tax rate.
that is the toughness that i am willing: to abate my cannibalistic desire to devour the beating hearts of billionaires.
Tax that shitheel.
Maybe he can then follow his own advice, everyone wins!
compromise: 100% tax and we only eat half his heart
What heart? It’s charlie munger. There is no heart in there.
I sometimes wonder if, when aliens eventually find us, they’ll read shit like this and take it literally. Will we forever be known as space cannibals? Space orks, perhaps?
I agree with you though. I am told to eat heart meat, you have to boil it for a long time to get it nice and tender and eat it with a strong sauce to counteract the blandness. I’d eat it with a steak sauce, perhaps boil some carrots and potatoes in with it. Boil it in a nice pot of rich asshole stock. AAPL flavored, perhaps
Billionaires talking about expecting less is peak irony.
He also tried to design a windowless mega-dorm as a weird social experiment of sorts. All around great guy
In his October 25 resignation letter to UCSB Campus Architect Julie Hendricks, Dennis McFadden ― a well-respected Southern California architect with 15 years on the committee ― goes scorched earth on the radical new building concept, which calls for an 11-story, 1.68-million-square-foot structure that would house up to 4,500 students, 94 percent of whom would not have windows in their small, single-occupancy bedrooms.
The idea was conceived by 97-year-old billionaire-investor turned amateur-architect Charles Munger, who donated $200 million toward the project with the condition that his blueprints be followed exactly. Munger maintains the small living quarters would coax residents out of their rooms and into larger common areas, where they could interact and collaborate.
Thankfully it did not get approved.
with the condition that his blueprints be followed exactly
As a draftsman, lol.
First of all, it’s obvious he has no idea what he’s doing with his use of the word “blueprint”. They haven’t been blue for like 40 years. Second of all, there is always an engineer to translate the fever dream of the architect to something that won’t collapse when it’s built. Nobody follows the architect’s prints “exactly”, and a big part of the reason is the architect just designs the building, they are less involved with the nuts and bolts level of assembling the building. There are drawings for all sorts of fiddly things that end up in the final drawings for a building.
@Sami @fuckReddit Bro, don’t ya know how cheap it is to build without including windows? Massive money saver!
A podcast that covered the topic said that the plan was more expensive per student that what the state’s existing housing designs cost to build. Also, his donation only covered like 20% of costs.
@Sami ffs Billionaires are absolutely useless 😂😂😂
It’s a common problem. Rich guys routinely presume they have more expertise then they do regarding their vanity projects, some of which actually get built.
The Behind the Bastards ep on Stockton Rush and Oceangate, and his failure to acknowledge his submersible is deteriorating across several missions serves as an amazing cautionary tale to this effect.
Easy to say if you’re on death’s doorstep and also worth over 2 billion dollars. It won’t be him having to deal with the fallout of capitalistic destruction, he just got to eat big and sit pretty, telling other people for decades how stupid they are about money…
The world is getting tougher because of old fucks like Munger.
His death will be celebrated.
I won’t be celebrating it. I’ll be lamenting the fact that other people decided to let the world burn waiting for corrupt pieces of shit like him to die instead of overthrowing him themselves, which may have prevented all this.
His manner of death was unspecified
The moon from the smashing pumpkins “tonight tonight” video emerged from it’s platinum-lined bunker and helicoptered into a press conference in order to deliver a dire economic warning.
“There are tough times ahead (of you).” Said the anthropomorphization of the human conflict between the spirit of adventure and terror of the unknown. “Everyone (of you) is gonna have to make sacrifices.”
When asked about its own sacrifices the early French cinema reference said “Why yes, I’ve had to make sacrifices. Due to budget cuts, we’ve not been able to pay what we used to for orphan children to heave into my gaping maw. It used to be several premium infants a day, now I’m lucky if I get two Spaniard toddlers to quench my insatiable, burning hunger for innocent blood. In this way, I feel I’ve sacrificed even more than the rest of you. I’ve sacrificed my sacrifice, and I give up more every day in the form of feasting on subpar children than most of you will lose when my capital group buys your foreclosed home at auction.”
“No matter how hard things get, or how much the world demands (of you),” the monster embedded in the collective human imagination added, “remember that we’re all in this together.” It then boarded it’s helicopter, which flew it a short way to a yacht with a helipad, which itself sailed out to sea until it could dock in an even bigfer yacht. From that yacht then launched a rocket, presumably to carry the nightmare creature back to it’s home in low earth orbit where it can continue to look down on us, but literally this time.
This is pure art
Ty! It started with “hey that guy kinda looks like he’s on medication that causes water retention” and got a generous helping of The Onion sprinkled on top
based short story
I don’t know the Cyrillic alphabet at all and at first glance I thought this was Vlad the Lad just saying “Ahem…”
He looks like Mitch McConnell in zero gravity
Picture is perfect for showing how he’s a lizard wearing a human skin costume
Dude looks like that fat wojak with the glasses with his head tilted slightly upward
Into the woodchipper, ya wrinkled little assclown.
I’ve read a series called “Galaxy’s Edge”, and in it, the 1% on earth had furthered their stranglehold on media, propaganda, resources, etc, and Earth was finally crumbling. Food wars, corporate armies, the whole shebang. Eventually, the 1% pooled their resources together to just leave Earth on massive colony ships, ditching the unwashed masses to die in pursuit of a new start.
What makes me laugh is that once they all dipped, earth just… Recovered. Got through the hard times and developed hyperdrive to jump off into the stars themselves, getting to all the planets thousands of years before the slower-than-light colony ships the original 1% left in. When they finally start emerging from the dark of interstellar space, their zealous beliefs that they’re the most important people in the universe has convinced them to chase down fucked up biotech and they’re all post human monstrosities hell bent on destroying the “animals” who have lived in relative harmony without their existence.
Can’t help but feel like that rings a bell. The billionaires will rape our planet to death and then just dust off in private space ships leaving us for dead. If we pull through, they’ll come back to keep raping.
It’s funny if they think we’re letting them off this rock once they wreck it. Pretty hard to launch a ship with a crowbar sticking out the side.
Sounds like a book they might have to take off the fiction shelf in the future lol
Nah. These rockets and bunkers have weak points. If they choose either route, we will sabotage the air intakes on the bunkers and any number of things on the rockets. They’ll never leave this rock. We will. They get body bags one way or another.
Can someone link the book, I get nothing showing up on Google apart from Star Wars
I found a book series by searching “galaxy’s edge book” but I’m not sure if that’s the correct one
Ayy ;)
Except it doesn’t have to be that way. We just have to get rid of these fucking billionaires that are leeching off of society. You can’t be a billionaire and a good person.
Sounds like the words of someone that needs to be roasted live over an open fire and devoured by coyotes.
Asshole billionaire wants the rest of us to live in windowless closets. Look up Charlie Munger dorm.
He can bite my shiny metal ass.
Video about that