rules aren’t there to be enforced, they’re there so that when you break them you take a second to think about why.
Solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short
rules aren’t there to be enforced, they’re there so that when you break them you take a second to think about why.
are you american?
wile e coyote is shaking with excitement rn
yeah, I’ve been really fortunate.
That’s a thought I had as well, and based on my extremely limited knowledge and research I think it’s the conflict that’s being avoided. Rather than dealing with the person directly, you use indirect actions that signal the expected result when taken in that social context and then let the pressure of those expectations generate the result you need without you ever directly doing anything. My understanding is that the pressure is pretty enormous, your coworkers will basically shun you out of fear of being targeted themselves and resentment for all the work you’re not doing that they have to pick up instead.
I’ll be honest, I don’t know if I have to work. I do, because I like the work and I like the company I work for a lot, but I’m fairly confident that I could just show up to meetings twice a week and fudge paperwork for quite a while before anyone caught on that I’m just a hole they’re dumping money into.
I wouldn’t recommend anyone become a software engineer but its worked for me
I’ve been reading Graeber’s Bullshit Jobs and evidently they don’t fire people in Japan. If they want rid of you, they just give you less and less to do until you’re sitting in the office all day getting paid to do nothing, and the cultural expectation is that you quit out of shame rather than just accepting money for nothing.
a quiet quitter is someone who does their job. they use a lot of tone, insinuation and connotation talking about it, but if you press them for a definition, a quiet quitter is someone who does their job.
tacit admission that you started a business but you really wanted to start a cult. tell you what: you start paying me as much as you possibly can regardless of our employment agreement, I’ll start working as much as I possibly can regardless of our employment agreement.
yeah, PascalCase is the worst
everything about my life changed when I realized that if something tastes like it needs salt but adding salt doesn’t help, it needs acid.
Over 90% of the people that die in any high risk jobs, on construction sites and in wars are… men. Why is there no complaint about equal deaths?
You know women were only cleared for all positions in the military as of 1994, right? Who do you think pushed for that?
I feel like palmtop, as derived from desktop and laptop, has a shot here
sounds like every business in california is gonna start making and selling 1 loaf of bread every day because of blatant corruption
puts me in mind of the old guru meditation error messages that popped up in the stone knives and bearskins era of computing.
you know that the entire rest of the world is full of baby boys with foreskins and parents who clean them, right? is your argument really gonna be “it’s inconvenient for parents to clean their kids so lets just cut off a part of their body”?
how does cosmetic surgery make your child’s life easier/better?
to avoid putting men in that dilemma
There’s no dilemma at all. Every consenting person who wants cosmetic surgery should be allowed to have it, and no one who can’t consent to cosmetic surgery should have it forced upon them.
honestly at this point bundle the dock w rechargeable wireless controllers and let me convert the deck I already love into a pseudoconsole.