I remember being able to use utorrent to host Minecraft servers somehow
Can you explain this? I have so many questions.
I think they mean uPnP
OK. I think I get it. So people enable uPnP on their routers and then open Minecraft’s port using uTorrent (or any other program that opens a port with uPnP). And they do all of that instead of just logging into their NAT routers. Honestly, sounds like something I would do before I knew networking concepts, though if it were explained to me it would be a million times more confusing than just learning how to configure NAT.
I was like… Under 15 at the time and didn’t have the admin password to the family wifi.
Is that in relation to DHT? Never got quite into it, but if you’re using a tracker then I’d imagine the tracker would handle the peer2peer reverse NAT problem.
Yeah it does