Final space was amazing, I was sad when it was cancelled
The link above is to the graphic novel that finishes the series
holy shit international shipping is 50% of the book price (which is steep already). I wanted to support the guy but shipping is waaaay too much.
$182 is the price. And it’s a preorder.
GodSpeed was the spiritual successor but didn’t get a lot of funding
The sad part was that it was basically removed everywhere and even the creator didn’t have the files for some legal reason. Was a pretty loud issue sometime ago.
Pretty sure it’s still available on torrent 😄
Yeah but the source files and stuff. You can’t go to a network or a streaming platform and give them torrents. It was a huge waste and the creator wanted them so they aren’t lost
Also on the Internet Archive
I’m just here for Mooncake.
Why would you post this in the same subreddit as the original post that probably won’t be exactly brimming with content these days?
Might just be a bot. I’d see tons of comments relevant to post they were on but not relevant to the specific comment they replied to that you could find the original source of by searching that very post’s comments. They were almost always upvoted, even though many were aware of the pattern, simply because so many more weren’t aware of it.
The owner of the account probably isn’t even aware of what posts their bot is stealing, let alone that it was discovered. Though it might have code to detect detection to try to delete the posts before a moderator/admin steps in and bans the account entirely.
This is why I’m glad Lemmy doesn’t have a karma system. Cuts down on this bullshit.
That cuts both ways since there’s also not really any consequences to getting downvotes.
Which is a good thing. What consequences should there be to having a bad take? Getting your comment pushed down from sorting as well as getting publically ratio’d and verbally lectured in replies by the members of small community you are part of is consequence enough IMO.
I don’t think the bad comment needs to be autoremoved/hidden just cause it has 10 downvotes or whatever that kind of thing encroaches on a censorship slippery slope. Theres a report button and moderators for anything actually against community guidelines.
I’d also say that removing bad takes instead of arguing against them can help further the belief in those bad takes because someone who believes in good faith might but be aware of counter arguments that might make them change their mind.
If only the proponents of ideas are allowed to discuss them in their own spaces, then that’s the only place where people curious about them will be able to find information.
And even if the one arguing the bad take refuses to consider other options, IMO public discussion forums are more about the lurkers reading them than those commenting, even if the latter makes up the entire visible community. Don’t argue for the sake of the one you’re disagreeing with, argue for everyone who thinks they might have made a good point but haven’t decided yet.
… pok. ;__;
Fuck you Warner Brothers