The sad part was that it was basically removed everywhere and even the creator didn’t have the files for some legal reason. Was a pretty loud issue sometime ago.
Yeah but the source files and stuff. You can’t go to a network or a streaming platform and give them torrents. It was a huge waste and the creator wanted them so they aren’t lost
Final space was amazing, I was sad when it was cancelled
The link above is to the graphic novel that finishes the series
holy shit international shipping is 50% of the book price (which is steep already). I wanted to support the guy but shipping is waaaay too much.
$182 is the price. And it’s a preorder.
GodSpeed was the spiritual successor but didn’t get a lot of funding
The sad part was that it was basically removed everywhere and even the creator didn’t have the files for some legal reason. Was a pretty loud issue sometime ago.
Pretty sure it’s still available on torrent 😄
Yeah but the source files and stuff. You can’t go to a network or a streaming platform and give them torrents. It was a huge waste and the creator wanted them so they aren’t lost
Also on the Internet Archive
Music to watch the Earth get digested too