I’m starting university this autumn & these are my main options. Reasons:
~ Accounting: guaranteed job from my boyfriend (businessman) to gain experience. Stable, monotonous, office job - which I like. I like routine. Comfy earning potential.
~ Foreign languages: I love language learning. Can get into the advanced group for German since I already know it well. In demand languages. Good earning potential & opportunities.
~ Physiotherapy: stable job, comfy salary. Relatively routine & chill.
Accounting. The advice given to me when I went to college was “major in something ‘practical’ and minor in what you love”. I think that was good advice. That way you end up with in-demand skills and a solid fallback, but by doing minors and extra certificates, you get to spend time learning things you’re passionate about, and you can demonstrate to future employers that you are well-rounded and adaptable.