I’m starting university this autumn & these are my main options. Reasons:
~ Accounting: guaranteed job from my boyfriend (businessman) to gain experience. Stable, monotonous, office job - which I like. I like routine. Comfy earning potential.
~ Foreign languages: I love language learning. Can get into the advanced group for German since I already know it well. In demand languages. Good earning potential & opportunities.
~ Physiotherapy: stable job, comfy salary. Relatively routine & chill.
I wouldn’t be comfortable aligning my career goals that way. Just because my boyfriend offered a job at the end of the tunnel. Love can be fickle.
If you have a passion for languages and would enjoy that more I’d consider that first.
But OP these are 3 drastically different career paths and it seems you might not have a strong grasp on what you’d like to do.
Getting into something for the money exclusively can lead you down an uncomfortable rabbit hole. So you need to ask yourself how you feel about doing these roles for another 20+ years.
So ask yourself how much time and money you’re willing to invest in a career path that could change. It’s not impossible to go back to school and try something else later on in life. But life has a way of locking you in.
Conversely, not having money also sucks and should be considered