I’m starting university this autumn & these are my main options. Reasons:
~ Accounting: guaranteed job from my boyfriend (businessman) to gain experience. Stable, monotonous, office job - which I like. I like routine. Comfy earning potential.
~ Foreign languages: I love language learning. Can get into the advanced group for German since I already know it well. In demand languages. Good earning potential & opportunities.
~ Physiotherapy: stable job, comfy salary. Relatively routine & chill.
My country doesn’t offer minors. 😒
Ah. I guess electives are just for fun then? Do they even have them? I hope they do, since my electives were some of the most fun I had at university (because I hated my major).
There aren’t really any “electives”. Even all the “optional” courses are related to your specialisation & you’re required to take them (a certain number of them).
Aw, that’s not great. :( I’m sure you can still have a good time though.
There are probably some “day in the life” YouTube videos from people in the professions you’re interested in if you’re into that kind of thing.