15 bucks for a absolutely great game.
This one of the best game I’ve played in years. Smart, hilarious dialogue and amazing visuals. Definitely worth it on sale.
Yeah, this was one a game I definitely was not a patient gamer for.
Both Psychonauts 1 and 2 are GOATs. Tim Schafers imagination is a national treasure.
My daughter wrote a report on video game development when she was in 5th or 6th grade. Through some connections we got an invite to go to Double Fine studios and have a sit down with Tim Schaefer. He is exactly what you would hope. Nicest guy in the world, absolutely loves what he does and loves talking about it. He gave my daughter a tour of the place, showed her how they thought about designing games, talked her ear off for more than an hour, gave her some keepsakes (design documents from some games they had shipped).
For Psychonauts 1, to really get inside the characters heads, they created their own fake internal Facebook-type site and play acted how all the characters would interact on social media.
That is amazing. I’m super jealous of your daughter.
One of the few games I’ve completed and now one of my all time favourites.
Loved it so much I 100%ed it. I basically never do that.
TIL there’s a sequel. That’s awesome.
Came out a couple of years ago to great reviews. It’s a fantastic game, maybe better than the first.
I agree, despite Psychonauts 1 being one of my favorite games ever.
Psychonauts 2 against all odds takes a classic and improves it in almost every way while retaining what made the original great. It’s a very rare feat in gaming, or really any media. Psychonauts 2 is an absolute triumph.
I’ve been playing it. It’s very weird but enjoyable
Bought and playing through on my steam deck! Absolutely loving it!
This game is incredible imo
Definitely a cool unique game. Although I never finished it. I barely ever finish games.
Can I play this without playing Psychonauts 1?
Yes, it stands alone fairly well. There is a LOT of subtle fan service in the form of tiny references or call backs to things so I think it’s a deeper experience having played the original, but it’s by no means necessary. I think you could easily get away with watching a story recap of the original.
You can but it would be a shame to miss the first part it is amazing. And the graphics hold up due to the strong art direction.
I’m a huge fan of the first Psychonauts and was blown away by how well the second one built on all the stuff that made the first great. Highly recommend both games