I’m shocked that I haven’t seen one protest yet. Is the media suppressing them? If there aren’t any, why?

  • MoreFPSmorebetter@lemmy.zip
    10 hours ago
    1. Because the people protesting represent in the single digit percentages of the voter base of America. An extremely vocal minority, but still a minority of Americans.

    2. Boy who cried wolf situation. Protesting every single thing endlessly for years on end has made the average person stop caring about whatever you’re protesting about. Not saying it’s right but that is how many people view continual protesting.

    3. The far left protests lost most of their corporate backing this time around. As soon as the bean counters up top realized that pandering to the social stuff on the left wasn’t going to net them record profits they all dropped supporting the issues like a bad habit. They saw the popular vote change and they all dropped their masks immediately. Remember this in 10 years when the balance swings back again and you see target suddenly pretending to give a shit about gay right again or whatever it is at that time. They only ever cared about money.

    4. Lack of unified direction of protests. There are tons of local and small group protests as many people have linked in the comments, but outside of these small tight-knit online communities planning these things the general public has absolutely no clue any of them are happening. There isn’t a single unifying “thing” to rally around like the BLM protests had with George Floyd. When the angry mob can’t direct their anger all in the same direction it loses power.

    5. Since modern media runs on outrage (clicks) and they have seen that most people don’t care anymore they have moved onto other things in order to generate the clicks they want to make the money for the big guy.

        • EaterOfLentils@lemmy.world
          4 hours ago

          Black Lives Matter was not “far left.” It was mainstream liberal. The Overton window has really gotten completely ridiculous in this country.

          No corporations will EVER back anything that is actually far left. Leftism is inherently anathema to them.

          • Paramania@lemmy.world
            3 hours ago

            Also this isn’t corporate backing, this was cynical rainbow capitalism trying to market off the back of a movement. They were not funding protests or the movement in anyway and they were not contributing to people going to protests, Those protests were grass roots and a visceral reaction to the racism of the Trump administration and years of police violence towards people of colour.

            His other points are pretty on point though, fatigue and the media ignoring the protests that do exist is part of the problem for sure. Also a lot of protests back then were promoted and organized through Twitter and Tik Tok and they have been very successful in suppressing both of those.