I have a meeting this morning that is pretty much doomed from the outset, but I still need to go through the motions.

After that, I acquired an unexpected gazebo yesterday, so I would like to get that up this evening to make the most of the next couple couple of weeks, since we are seemingly due for sunny weather.

And then I have a day booked off on Friday just because. Maybe I will spend it in the gazebo, reading.

  • TheWeirdestCunt@lemm.ee
    2 years ago

    I’ve spent 8 months trying to figure out what happened to my knee when I smashed it into the edge of my car door and I finally got an appointment with an orthopaedic specialist this week, but it’s a physio appointment. I already saw a physio therapist about it 6 months ago and they couldn’t figure it out so I’ve gotta call the specialist department today and try to get an MRI or something because the X-ray showed nothing and it’s sounding more and more like a torn ACL.