That’s interesting. Is the wire in front the detonator?
That was always my guess. Two wires ending in interlocking rings. The wire rings being pretty ductile, will bend on impact, and the two interlocking rings touching complete the circuit to detonate.
What blows me away about this (ha!) is that we’re seeing 3 or 4 one-time-use drones being used on regular individual soldiers. How many must Ukrainian defenders have if they can afford to use them like this? So many!
Here in Kyiv, we start our day with coffee and a donation to one of thousands fundings of drones: big and small. You read the news about how many enemy drones were destroyed during the night, and you donate right away; you watch videos of burning russian pigs in trenches, and you donate while laughing. This is the way.
What’s that song!?
300-30-3 is a countdown for artillery
The one in the video is like blues
Whoops, I played the wrong video.
It couldn’t detect this one. It might be an obscure live recording. It sounds like they’re saying “I can keep myself amused”.