The Conservatives in Wales lose their last ditch attempt to stop the speed limit change from 30mph to 20mph. The change will be coming into force on the 17th September

    2 years ago

    They actually wouldn’t be sign posted, the whole point of the change is that the un-posted speed limit will now be 20 instead of 30. So you may see a 20 sign on the entry to the area, but there will be no requirement for repeater signs.

    A lack of traffic calming doesn’t justify speeding, no. But the official recommendations for 20 limit areas recommend installing traffic calming measures and generally making the road feel like a 20 road. You’re supposed to design a road with a speed limit in mind, changing the limit should involve more than just changing one or two signs.

    It’s not that I don’t care, I don’t recognise the significance of the effect, and I don’t think they’re putting in the effort they should be. 20 zones are good and can be effective in a lot of places, but they don’t belong everywhere Wales has a 30 limit. Furthermore, this change by the Welsh Senedd puts all the responsibility onto councils to correct the new 20 zones that should have remained 30, at their own expense, with no further funding. What the Welsh Senedd should be doing is giving more authority to councils to create 20 zones where appropriate. Let them reduce the speed limits where it’s needed.