By accepting the fact that life is inherently meaningless, and that the best attribute of being a human is the ability to create and find our own meaning in life.
We give ourselves the meaningfulness in our lives - friends, family, love, duty, creativity, politics, faith, hobbies… anything that we find fulfilling and making life worth living. Even the smallest and seemingly shallow purposes can be just as powerful as the biggest and grandest purposes - it’s all up to us to find out the ones that keep us going and happy. It’s not easy, it never ends, but the struggle to improve and live life happily is a beautiful thing.
Half of these things are not something I can give myself. I am not finding friends or love while stuck questioning meaning or purpose. I feel really stuck, like, I am never going to have any deep social interaction until I am like really dedicated to and sharing the results of a hobby or career. And be in the right place, at the right time, too.
Some comments say “you can’t find meaning, create it” - it sounds like a two step process. Create meaning, and then find even more meaning. Oof.
But half of those things are something you can give yourself. Some things might be harder to come by, yes, but it’s the effort that matters. As the saying goes: “it is better to have loved and lost, then to have never not loved at all.” That can be applied to a lot of things because, at least to me, the message is it’s better to have tried and failed than not have tried at all.
To be clear, I was rattling off a list of examples rather than a list of things you need for purpose.
By accepting the fact that life is inherently meaningless, and that the best attribute of being a human is the ability to create and find our own meaning in life.
We give ourselves the meaningfulness in our lives - friends, family, love, duty, creativity, politics, faith, hobbies… anything that we find fulfilling and making life worth living. Even the smallest and seemingly shallow purposes can be just as powerful as the biggest and grandest purposes - it’s all up to us to find out the ones that keep us going and happy. It’s not easy, it never ends, but the struggle to improve and live life happily is a beautiful thing.
Half of these things are not something I can give myself. I am not finding friends or love while stuck questioning meaning or purpose. I feel really stuck, like, I am never going to have any deep social interaction until I am like really dedicated to and sharing the results of a hobby or career. And be in the right place, at the right time, too.
Some comments say “you can’t find meaning, create it” - it sounds like a two step process. Create meaning, and then find even more meaning. Oof.
But half of those things are something you can give yourself. Some things might be harder to come by, yes, but it’s the effort that matters. As the saying goes: “it is better to have loved and lost, then to have never not loved at all.” That can be applied to a lot of things because, at least to me, the message is it’s better to have tried and failed than not have tried at all.
To be clear, I was rattling off a list of examples rather than a list of things you need for purpose.