Look at all the seppos getting cranky at this one :) I just came in to post Seppo but you beat me
Look at all the seppos getting cranky at this one :) I just came in to post Seppo but you beat me
Ah cool so you really are just a dumbfuck then
Got a reference there bud, or are you just talking out your arse?
Open border or not, that crossing is a literal death trap right now.
54% of Americans read at less than a 6th grade level and fuck me if this parade of drooling, sister-fucking morons hasn’t proven it.
deleted by creator
What the fuck kind of smooth brained kindergarten thinking is this? Get a grown up to read you a book or two mate
That’s absolutely awful. I wish there was something we could do or some advice that might help but I have nothing. I hope some radical change comes along in the future and fixes this ☹️
Australian here. Don’t know of anyone who uses WhatsApp. Different organizations and demographics uses a range of different platforms like Facebook messenger, MS Teams, Slack, Discord etc. From my perspective those are all about the same level.
At least most official comms either government or business is SMS, phone, or email.
Happy for other Aussies to correct me of course, thsrs just my quick perspective
That is fucking horrifying. How did it ever get to that point?
I had a look at this a few weeks ago and loved some of the features. Having no option to keep data local or any simple cross platform backup (even if those will be implemented later) turned me off a bit. Having sync from PC to phone was great, although it relies on either thier cloud system or doing a bunch of tech setup I’m not good enough to handle. Overall good concept but a lot of things made me uncomfortable.
I then found Obsidian which is similar but seems to have a bunch of better features, and is all stored locally in standard formats. 10/10 If you like the look of any type chack out obsidian
Ever heard of what they had to do to take Rasputin out? I think its that