Just use C. It solves all those problens given the most complicated feature is pointers and those hard aren’t to understand.
Just use C. It solves all those problens given the most complicated feature is pointers and those hard aren’t to understand.
Just someone didn’t develop something dosen’t mean they can’t passionately share it. If you like a TV show and started talking about how much you like the show it wouldn’t rude for you to share just because you weren’t the director of the show.
No, I have never used any of those closed source options. I wanted cloud services I have perfectly good esp32 lying around. And if I get worried about the vendor provided system libraries I can just buy a Raspberry Pi or something.
Sounds inefficient. You can only store 8 gigs and goes away when you shut off your computer? I just put it on punch cards and feed it into my machine.
If you haven’t already you can usually ger compensation for delayed flight. Check out the compensation page for the airline your using.
I mean having thw insrance not show in your feed. I know Connect has that but I want something that is proper FOSS.
The place is awful. Waiting for individual instance banning.
It would be nice if Apple didn’t lock down the phones but that is never going to happen.
Vim and GCC.
If you want to use extensions try out Iceraven (a firefox clone).
I wish you make the levels bigger in nethack
Aw man, now I have to download an whole OS just to use Usenet? /s
In actuality I’m 15.
As a child, I would say yes. Most adults don’t have enough time.
I’ve thinking of using Usenet. What client would you recommed for mobile and desktop?
Hacker News is great because there a lots of interesting discussions and articles especually on Ask HN. It feels like a high quality tech/programming subreddit but without the disadvantages of reddit. https://news.ycombinator.com/
I agree, unless you doing low level stuff where you need absolute control you should use a modern language with proper abstraction just to save time. Most use cases where they use C++ can be replaced with Rust or Go as they aren’t saddled with years tech debt and bloat due to having mantaining backwards compatibility.