• 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • the NC is rarely available or only for a few seconds which screws my automatic backup of photos. This is annoying. I think it is because there are two conflicting routes to the NC, one via the internal IPv4 and the other over the publicly available IPv6.

    Sounds unlikely tbh. A TCP connection is established for a specific target address which stays the same for the duration of that connection, and there is pretty much no interaction between IPv4 and IPv6 in the first place. Have you run Wireshaek? Is it the same problem from other clients in the network? Have you tried explicitly connecting to the IPv6 address and the IPv4 address to see if it’s a specific one that’s not working?

  • But it actually doesnt. Most public wifis or other residential networks dont seem to give me external access to my Nextcloud, ironically, my mobile network via phone does.

    A lot of those networks are run by boomers who don’t care about IPv6 or don’t want to set it up because (insert excuse from IPv6 Bingo) or non-tech people whose router doesn’t turn it on automatically. So yeah, that is unfortunately something you have to expect and work around.

    Problem 1 seems to be best solved with renting the cheapest VPS I can find and then…build a permanent SSH tunnel to it? Use the WireGuard VPN of my router? Some other kind of tunnel to expose a public IPv4? Iirc, VPS are billed by throughput, I am not sure if I might run into problems here, but the only people that use it are my gf and me, and when not at home, mostly for the CalDAV stuff.

    You don’t even need a tunnel. Just a proxy on a VPS that runs on IPv4 and connects to the IPv6 upstream. Set the AAAA record to the real host and the A record to the VPS. Assuming you actually get a static prefix which you should, but some IPv4-brained ISPs don’t and you get a rotating prefix, in which case it’s probably more annoying.

    I do this too, mine runs on a free Oracle Cloud ARM VPS.

  • The personal project I’m currently working on the most is Nucom, an implementation of Microsoft’s Component Object Model.

    The IDL compiler for it, which takes .idl files which define COM interfaces and outputs C/C++ headers/source files and Rust modules, is written in Rust.

    Originally, this project was all C++, and everything but the compiler still is (which also likely isn’t going to change since it involves building dynamic libraries which Rust does not do well at all), but I really did not want to go without Rust when writing a parser/compiler type thing because the language is so much nicer to work with.

  • The disks are the most uggo part. They’re a bunch of old disks of varying sizes with a RAID+LVM setup to make the most use of them while still being redundant.

    lsblk output of the whole thing
    saiko@vineta ~ % lsblk
    NAME                    MAJ:MIN RM   SIZE RO TYPE  MOUNTPOINTS
    sda                       8:0    0 111.8G  0 disk  
    ├─sda1                    8:1    0   512M  0 part  /Volumes/Boot
    └─sda2                    8:2    0 111.3G  0 part  /nix/store
    sdb                       8:16   1 372.6G  0 disk  
    └─sdb1                    8:17   1 372.6G  0 part  
      └─md1                   9:1    0   1.5T  0 raid5 
        └─storagevg-storage 254:0    0   6.3T  0 lvm   /Volumes/storage
    sdc                       8:32   1 465.8G  0 disk  
    ├─sdc1                    8:33   1 372.6G  0 part  
     └─md1                   9:1    0   1.5T  0 raid5 
       └─storagevg-storage 254:0    0   6.3T  0 lvm   /Volumes/storage
    └─sdc2                    8:34   1  93.1G  0 part  
      └─md2                   9:2    0 279.3G  0 raid5 
        └─storagevg-storage 254:0    0   6.3T  0 lvm   /Volumes/storage
    sdd                       8:48   1   4.5T  0 disk  
    ├─sdd1                    8:49   1 372.6G  0 part  
     └─md1                   9:1    0   1.5T  0 raid5 
       └─storagevg-storage 254:0    0   6.3T  0 lvm   /Volumes/storage
    ├─sdd2                    8:50   1  93.1G  0 part  
     └─md2                   9:2    0 279.3G  0 raid5 
       └─storagevg-storage 254:0    0   6.3T  0 lvm   /Volumes/storage
    ├─sdd3                    8:51   1 465.8G  0 part  
     └─md3                   9:3    0 931.3G  0 raid5 
       └─storagevg-storage 254:0    0   6.3T  0 lvm   /Volumes/storage
    └─sdd4                    8:52   1   3.6T  0 part  
      └─md4                   9:4    0   3.6T  0 raid1 
        └─storagevg-storage 254:0    0   6.3T  0 lvm   /Volumes/storage
    sde                       8:64   1   7.3T  0 disk  
    ├─sde1                    8:65   1 372.6G  0 part  
     └─md1                   9:1    0   1.5T  0 raid5 
       └─storagevg-storage 254:0    0   6.3T  0 lvm   /Volumes/storage
    ├─sde2                    8:66   1  93.1G  0 part  
     └─md2                   9:2    0 279.3G  0 raid5 
       └─storagevg-storage 254:0    0   6.3T  0 lvm   /Volumes/storage
    ├─sde3                    8:67   1 465.8G  0 part  
     └─md3                   9:3    0 931.3G  0 raid5 
       └─storagevg-storage 254:0    0   6.3T  0 lvm   /Volumes/storage
    └─sde4                    8:68   1   3.6T  0 part  
      └─md4                   9:4    0   3.6T  0 raid1 
        └─storagevg-storage 254:0    0   6.3T  0 lvm   /Volumes/storage
    sdf                       8:80   1 931.5G  0 disk  
    ├─sdf1                    8:81   1 372.6G  0 part  
     └─md1                   9:1    0   1.5T  0 raid5 
       └─storagevg-storage 254:0    0   6.3T  0 lvm   /Volumes/storage
    ├─sdf2                    8:82   1  93.1G  0 part  
     └─md2                   9:2    0 279.3G  0 raid5 
       └─storagevg-storage 254:0    0   6.3T  0 lvm   /Volumes/storage
    └─sdf3                    8:83   1 465.8G  0 part  
      └─md3                   9:3    0 931.3G  0 raid5 
        └─storagevg-storage 254:0    0   6.3T  0 lvm   /Volumes/storage
    sr0                      11:0    1  1024M  0 rom   

  • The bingo one actually uses crossbeam channels instead of mutexes, so that’s nice. I haven’t looked too closely at it though.

    I don’t think you can do too much about the Spectrum one if you want to keep the two threads, but here’s what I would change related to thread synchronization. Lemmy doesn’t seem to allow me to attach patch files for whatever reason so have an archive instead… https://dblsaiko.net/pub/tmp/patches.tar.bz2 (I wrote a few notes in the commit messages)

    Just to give the reason for Rc<RefCell> in the current project. I’m reading in a M3U file and I’m going to be referencing it against an Excel file. So in the structure for the m3u file, I have two BtreeMaps, one for order by channel number and one by name. Each containing references to the same Channel object.

    So basically it’s channels indexed by channel number and name? That one is actually one of the easy cases. Store indices instead:

    struct Channels {
      data: Vec<Channel>,
      by_number: BTreeMap<u32 /* or whatever */, usize>,
      by_name: BTreeMap<String, usize>,
    // untested but I think it should compile
    fn get_channel_by_name(ch: &Channels, name: &str) -> Option<&Channel> {

  • Not a professional networking guy either but here’s my opinion.

    What I would do is use the ISP router as is, open all ports on it (except to itself, hopefully it doesn’t do that…), and put a firewall in between the router and everything else that controls the actual access to everything behind it (in bridge mode between the two network interfaces of the firewall, so you only have the one network).

    Could a potential second router also assign addresses to devices in that globally routable space directly?

    Devices in IPv6 assign addresses themselves via SLAAC, you just need one device advertising the prefix which the ISP router should already do. The firewall should be able to just purely be there for packet filtering. If you need fixed addresses for public facing servers I would just assign them manually to the respective boxes as you likely also need to add them to public DNS manually anyway.