yes id recommend turning on double resources or you will go mad mining thousands of ore and coal
yes id recommend turning on double resources or you will go mad mining thousands of ore and coal
this is the kind of shit all authoritans dream of: complete control over everyones lives and forcing people into their information bubble to solidify power
so watch out who you vote for or shit could go downhill fast
phone tech also keeps advancing quite fast so the devices become incompatible when 3G and earlier tech is no longer in service
it would be quite hard to justify increasing it for even longer duration when all adults who saw the original release will be dead by the time copyright expires already
or channels enter a cycle of trying to create better and better videos until they only release a video per year, and they quit due to burnout
russia and putin resembles saddams iraq in some ways, leadership can do as many costly mistakes as it wants and not get thrown out (iran-iraq war, kuwait)
yea phones constantly ping something so at least the network operator can map out where it has been with good accuracy if you become person of interest
and they still dont seem to be interested in offering the full toolchain for the engine, including official mesh and anim import/export plus documentation for the formats
mods made by more than a few people are impossible to monetise with this scheme, way too many creators to pay so you would make next to nothing over just making it free and putting it in your resume
and then we have bethesdas aversion to new dialog (and localising it) in these official mods, which really kills the vibe in many of them
problem with this is the size of these companies, sony is not a megacorp in same tier as MS and they likely wouldnt be able to allocate funding for large gaming acquisitions such as EA
he would fit ubisoft
these types of mods are posted in bad faith to generate controversy so its not surprising when they get removed
i’d love to hear what they threatened him with as this doesnt read like he had any choice
games are art projects at the end of the day and there are often many non-art people (or just people without the right skills or vision) making executive decisions on direction, deadlines etc.
dice is the perfect example of a studio with the worst kind of incompetent people in charge of game direction
they released a great game in battlefield 1 and went to shit after that chasing trends and monetisation strategies over everything else
(shoutout to the guys who worked on base gameplay of BFV, they got fucked over by dumb decisions from higher up)
a human does not copy previous work exactly like these algorithms, whats this shit take?
a move only a true busines genius could execute
they havent added any new special stash tabs to store for a while. heist and expedition storage is free
they havent added any new special stash tabs a while. heist and expedition storage is free
nothing more infuriating than people slurping liquids or noodles as loud as they can