My home-made pizza tops any delivery, and I always get to eat it hot out of the oven.
What state/country do you live in?
My uncle worked with the Ravens a while back on a VR training program but I believe what you’re talking about is real time hud shit.
That being said, there’s something cool about all these people being so coordinated and well trained without excessive cues and reminders. Your team can be big fast and strong but if it’s not coordinated with the vanilla gear they have, it’s going to be a shitshow
Robert Liston performed a single surgery with a 300% mortality rate (probably).
How much drugs is equal to 1Gb?
Donate directly to the charity and get Korean Fried Chicken instead.
when we need them
Chill it’s obviously a poem
I’d assume if true, the arms race has progressed past it.
Also possibly urban legend, there was some story about a windshield suction cup “boot” or clamshell that you can get off by blasting your defroster on high heat and run a credit card along the seals. They also have GPS tracking on them with a Sim card that had unlimited data, which was then used for free internet.
How do those stand up to a Sawzall?. I used to cut galvanized steel pipes like butter. Assuming they’re not made of something significantly stronger, I figure I can fix that problem in under a minute on a fresh blade.
I clean my ears religiously, have been told by the doctor that my ears are impressively clean, and I get water in my ears.
You have discovered the subtle art of procrasticleaning
Maybe cancer/chemo or alopecia?