Exercise that right, go camping, free helicopter rides. Sounds fun!
Exercise that right, go camping, free helicopter rides. Sounds fun!
Camps are easy to build.
It’s more about setting up a system that rewards your neighbour for snitching on you. If that system is practical online, only time will tell. It worked well irl for other fascists.
Please watch this video about dictatorships and what to look out for.
Go, Ukraine!
With love,
Lol nukes from T2 dood
While 4K resolutions provide a very detailed image for average viewers, 16K resolutions exceed the detail the human eye can perceive at typical viewing distances. Therefore, most people may not notice significant improvements with higher resolutions like 16K.
These links explain it technically, but in summary, 4k or 5k video is really all we can perceive up close. Anything beyond this is really just wasted, unless you’re talking really large screens.
We’re almost at the limits of what we can see, so improvements beyond this like IMAX aren’t needed for most applications unless you’re recording 360⁰ video, or projecting onto a huge cinema screen.
I’m not so sure that the issue is mainly logging. I thought that they’re selling them off piecemeal as conclaves for the ultra rich.
Yes, he sees some Ukrainian IP’s, then blames Ukraine to fit Krasnov’s narrative of Ukrainian interference. Remember Ukraine refused to give him dirt on Biden in 2020. This is personal vendetta and a way to empower Russian oligarchs.
I mean, Dark Storm, a pro-palestine hacker group already bragged about it. IP’s mean nothing when dealing with DDoS attacks.
Thanks for that! The analysis you present doesn’t seem to account for the Jokers having variable values based on information only you and the receiver have predetermined, which is what I would propose to help solitaire be more secure. Also, a non-standard deck would help, such as a tarot deck.
I mean, DOGE already downloaded all your personal info. It’s easy to scrape socials and everything from there. What I meant is the ability to v& people en masse from online comments is yet unproven. I have faith that Elmo will find the right 19yo kids for the job though.