Do I hear a banjo?
Do I hear a banjo?
But what about that elitist Dijon mustard he put on his hamburger? That was a real travesty.
I did exactly what you are planning to do. I had put a 2TB drive in my LCD and just swapped it to a new OLED. It asked me to update as soon as it was installed, but it worked just fine.
Found the techbro
Kneel before sód
Gift certificate to a tanning salon when I was a Goth kid.
I’m a notorious grinder in JRPGs. I love to power level, and that boss took me 45 minutes to beat. For reference the end boss in Tales of Symphonia took three hits from Presea when I got to them.
Breath of Fire 3. People find a dragon that had been dormant in a crystal for centuries. It wakes up later as a human child. That child travels the world trying to figure out who they are. And then you fight a god, or not it’s your choice.
Jajaja. Man you are a whiny little turd. You want to talk about entitled. You think you are entitled to put other peoples lives at risk to save a few steroids for yourself. Bicyclists are making a real attempt to better themselves and the world, and you think putting them at real risk of death is justified in order to dance yourself a little time. You are the real piece of shit here. You’re starting tone was a clue but you doubling down is the clincher. Real labour solidarity involves looking out for others even when it would be an inconvenience. You have shown you have no intention of doing that and only care about yourself. Who’s the scab now.
Except Massachusetts apparently.
I did not know Mike Masnick was on the board of directors. That alone makes me interested in following what’s going on with bluesky. I use to read techdirt religiously, but haven’t been keeping up lately.
The answer is fear. Fear is what they truly value.
I work hard within my own union, that I’ve been a proud member of for 25 years. The passive aggressive snide comment was because you aren’t worth engaging with in good faith. Amazon hurts you and you are taking it out on everyone else rather than blaming the real problem.
Sound like you have enough salt for the both of us. I don’t know who shit in your cornflakes, but you’re really obnoxious.
Maybe you guys should unionise so you don’t have such shit working conditions.
I used mine to write an openSUSE image for my laptop, and a LibreELEC image for raspi just this weekend.
What kind of monster kills a duckling and sets it on their calculator for internet points?
I think it’s absurd to think any anti-cheat coming from China isn’t actively spying on you.
Our data has proven to be very lucrative. The companies that make anti-cheat are also the types of companies that would want to cash in on our data.
I hate Hanlon’s Razor. It’s used as an excuse by and for too many malicious people lately.