I’m a gcc user partly because of the optimization. I mean it’s a pretty small difference. But still for scientific stuff gcc is slightly better I think. There’s not much difference though and it basically comes to personal preference.
I’m a gcc user partly because of the optimization. I mean it’s a pretty small difference. But still for scientific stuff gcc is slightly better I think. There’s not much difference though and it basically comes to personal preference.
Phone flashlights are optimized for photos. They don’t shine very bright for example. You need to see even a good 30€ flashlight. Super bright compared to that. Also if you are in a situation that means you need to have battery on your phone, using the flashlight drains it a lot. Also on some flashlights you can use as a powerbank. For someone living in a city, it’s maybe not it but if you are even a bit remote or like to do hiking or something its super useful. Idk I probably have read too much r/flashlights. It’s like collecting knives man.
Good flashlights. You can get a great one that’s rechargeable and super bright for something like 30€. At the same price you can get a crappy one at your local hardware store which is the options most people choose.
The factories start to melt ice because of the heat.
Because of the fire in the broccoli mushroom cloud, the broccoli catches fire. Some of the biters catch fire in the process too, some bring flaming pieces of broccoli to their nest.
My discord is AapoL.
I can work on programming. My discord is AapoL.
No, I did too and I love Firefox.
I asked the same question about OpenSCad from a dude recommending FreeCad, but how does it compare to FreeCad?
How does it compare to OpenSCad?
Check the post history. Its ok. Probably just lemmy lagging and he deleted the duplicate posts.
For not that performance intensive stuff I would use clang though.