As I understand it. That dog wouldn’t piss on them when they were on fire. He clearly found a more convenient way to carry out his duties
As I understand it. That dog wouldn’t piss on them when they were on fire. He clearly found a more convenient way to carry out his duties
I have found that the self driving cars actually do yield to me in the crosswalk, which is nice. Contrast to human drivers who will try to run me over because I need to “get out of the street” while crossing . Parked vehicles block emergency vehicles countless times daily… but you don’t hear about that shit do you? Also SFFD park their emergency vehicles on the tram tracks when they don’t need to. Delaying thousands of commuters, all while letting people in cars go past the accident scene unhindered. SF is at war with its transit riders. SF is corrupt. It takes 7 fucking years to remove one parking spot. There’s so much more to this shit saga.
Yes of course it would! eats tidepod. Equal justice under lol fuck you I got mine.
Life is too short, so love the one you got. Because you might get ran over or you might get shot. Gilded this age is…
Yep! I’ve noticed my life is worth considerably less than a parked vehicle. So this sadly doesn’t surprise me. They might paint more lines though!!! So that’s neat. Right? Count the bodies like sheep.
deleted by creator
Hmm… Have we tried painting lines?.. we should paint lines… let’s paint lines. Problem. Solved.
Not here in the US. There’s so much victim blaming. The victim always being a pedestrian. Not the asshole driving on a walk path.
Okay. I’ve seen driver run over an elderly woman and kill her. I’m sure if she was hit by a cyclist she might’ve been alive to read your stupid fucking comment.
Motorists are psychopaths.
GMC named their bro-dozers AT-4. AT as in anti-tank. They’re marketing to the suburban tacticool jackasses. Loud exhaust and parking in crowded bus shelters. Yeah fuck these guys.
I’m not angry at the headline. Just. Not a god damned thing is being done to slow down pedestrian and cyclists death on our streets and roads. Not a thing. All we get is a fucking painted line and hope that some asshole doesn’t hit you. Start impounding peoples cars for traffic violations. Increase fines so luxury car drivers think twice about driving on the sidewalk.
I sold my car when I moved from a rural town to the city. I’ve been walking and taking public transit since. Although I have been carrying a GoPro lately when I walk. There doesn’t seem to be any traffic enforcement anywhere and just crossing the street has been extremely dangerous. Motorists are psychopaths.
That’s not going to stop these psychopaths from buying these bro-dozers. Wait until you have the pleasure of seeing one of these dumb fucks kill a pedestrian and get away with it.
Which one would most likely kill you if the driver ran a red light and hit you in the crosswalk??? Which one? Also they’re not in use and taking up valuable real estate in a crowded urban area. Both vehicles are not contributing much value are they? Car-brained jackass
Edit: a word
Yes. A rich persons assets are protected by law. Whilst your life is considered secondary at best. Laws are primarily written to protect assets of the rich. It’s always been that way. From the Roman senate to the US senate. They are/were all rich land owners. Land which they stole from the natives, and enslaved them. There is nothing strange about this. This is just how we do things as a species. So a better question would be. How do we break this destructive cycle that has plagued our (human) civilization since its inception?
Eh. I don’t hate cars. I just want better infrastructure for all street users. Everyone is capable of acting like a complete asshole using the public right of way. Think of the worst shithead that cut you off on the freeway. Now imagine that same shithead doing the same to a pedestrian or cyclist? It’s really fucking dangerous. All you have to do is google ‘pedestrian hit and run’ to see that we have a huge fucking problem on our hands. Ban all cars? No! Ban private vehicles where pedestrians, cyclists , and transit riders are? Yes! That way people don’t need to fucking die. Some people don’t need to drive. I’m sure we’ve all mumbled that under our breath after nearly getting wrecked by some dipshit that had no business driving to begin with.
Caltrops is a simple solution. Banning cars seems to be where we’re having issues. So let’s start small. Ban private vehicles in dense urban cores where space is at a premium. It’s a start.
Wow. Just… wow. The amount of cronyism and nepotism involved in making this very poor decision must be incalculable. Our political leaders should be required to use public transit as long as they collect paychecks from the taxpayers that seem to loathe so much.
For over 20 years these tanks have been bought and paid for. Don’t let anyone tell you different. We have so many god damned weapon system in storage that we can supply Ukraine with arms indefinitely. Those who say we in the west are spending too much money are full of shit.