If anyone actually knew WHEN it would crash they wouldn’t tell be saying anything and instead placing bets via the stock market.
If anyone actually knew WHEN it would crash they wouldn’t tell be saying anything and instead placing bets via the stock market.
The general consensus seems that people pay for the convenience, not having to cook or clean and not having to wait very long for it. Which is kind of crazy because that seems like such a luxury to me lol. Like a lite version of having a personal chef.
I wonder what the price point is where people will stop paying for the convince and just do it themselves because it costs too much. I would’ve thought most people reached that point but apparently not.
I thought it was alright. One thing that really bugged me is that if you’re chasing someone in space why not call another ship to cut them off, or just… fly faster. Idk it didn’t make a lot of sense to me lol
@ThePicardManuever probably too busy posting to respond.
Same, I come back every few days and don’t feel like I’ve missed some big meme or event. Reddit you had to log on literally everyday or you could miss some joke and now it’s memed all over every sub and you have no clue what’s going on.
Yeah, the AI songs are just overlays on an already existing song. Even when making something new the AI has to be “trained” on existing material. They can’t make something from nothing… yet.
Lmao this is gonna get out of hand fast
I mean if my grocery store app could track my purchases and then give me a suggested weekly grocery list based on meals it knows I like or ate before that would be incredible. Hell I’d pay for that lol.
Read somewhere they target places that are easy/defenseless/won’t give resistance. They target schools, churches, shopping centers, all places with little to no ability to fight back against someone with a gun. Life/society has been cruel to them so they want to return that cruelty to society.
But as someone else said it’s not always rational stuff going thru these people’s minds.
I’m a “blacksmith” using advanced machinery to aid in the process.
Man’s Search for Himself - Rollo May
Motion City Soundtrack - Everything is Alright
Same here! Spent about $100 for my vasectomy after insurance. Best $100 I ever spent really, saved me hundreds of thousands.
This is the answer. Its simple but not easy. Do you think the average person knows what they’re spending money on each month? And how much? One chick I knew was spending almost $500 a month dining out!! A MONTH!
It is difficult to not have any “fun” purchases tho, nearly impossible imo. But you have to have spending discipline and next to no people have that.
But let’s say everyone stops spending on non essentials, taken to its conclusion that would leave only grocery stores, dr offices, mechanics, and banks left to do business lol maybe a few others.
Instead of communication it’s co-meme-ication.
Idk it’s early
Well when most employers can fire you at any time for almost any reason (at-will employment) and your healthcare is tied to your job then… yeah, employers can treat their employees pretty poorly and get away with it, especially if you work in something like fast food or big box retail where plenty of young, unskilled workers are entering the workforce every year that they can replace you with.
It’s cozy here :)
You don’t need to get married or have kids to have a happy and fulfilling life
You should call them “box that absorbs all light” and “box that absorbs no light” you fucking racist
It’s got some freaky lookin’ eyes. STOP LOOKING AT ME