Like “I need to lock in and finish this essay” sort of thing
Like “I need to lock in and finish this essay” sort of thing
I’d say it’s telling someone to focus on a task at hand
It’s a common internet thing that’s probably mostly done just out of habit, it doesn’t have any purpose like 90% of the time, but is generally the standard just for those few times where it might actually help
I’m just using basic fabric stuff running through a systemd service for my MC server. It also basically just has every single performance mod I could find and nothing else (as well as geyser+floodgate) so there isn’t all that much admin stuff to do. I set up RCON (I think it’s called) to send commands from my computer but I just set up everything through ssh. I haven’t heard of either pterodactyl or crafty controller, I’ll check those out!
for high vram ai stuff it might be worth waiting and seeing how the 24gb b580 variant is
Intel has a bunch of translation layer sort of stuff though that I think generally makes it easy to run most CUDA ai things on it, but I’m not sure if common ai software supports multi gpu with it though
IDK how cash limited you are but if it’s just the vram you need and not necessarily the tokens/sec it should be a much better deal when it releases
Not entirely related but I have a full half hourly shapshotted computer backup going to a large HDD in my home server using Kopia, its very convenient and you don’t need to install anything on the server except a large drive and the ability to use ssh/sftp (or another method, it supports several). It supports many compression formats and also avoids storing duplicate data. I haven’t needed to use it yet, but I imagine it could become very useful in the future. I also have the same set up in the cli on the server, largely so I can roll back in case some random person happens upon it and decides to destroy everything in my Minecraft server (which is public and doesn’t have a whitelist…). It’s pretty easy to set up and since it can back up over the internet, its something you could easily use for a whole family.
My home server (with a bunch of used parts plus a computer from the local university surplus store) was probably about ~170$ in total (i7 6700, 16gb ddr4, 256gb ssd, 8tb hdd) and is enough to host all of the stuff I have (very light modded MC with geyser, a gitlab instance, and the backup) very easily, but it is very much not expandable (the case is quite literally tiny and I don’t have space to leave it open, I could get a pcie storage controller but the psu is weak and there aren’t many sata ports), probably not all that future proof either, and definitely isn’t something I would trust to perform well with AI models.
this (sold out now) is the hdd I got, I did a lot of research and they’re supposed to be super reliable. I was worried about noise, but after getting one I can say that as long as it isn’t within 4 feet of you you’ll probably never hear it.
Anyways, it’s always nice to really do something the proper way and have something fully future proof, but if you just need to host a few light things you can probably cheap out on the hardware and still get a great experience. It’s worth noting that a normal Minecraft server, backups, and a document editor for example are all things that you can run on a Raspberry Pi if you really wanted to. I have absolutely no experience using a NAS, metasearch, or heavy mods however, those might be a lot harder to get fast for all I know.
“The surge of emotion that shot through me when I saved your life taught me an even more valuable lesson: where woke_mind_virus lives in my brain. [Announcer: “woke_mind_virus deleted.”] Goodbye, woke_mind_virus.”
I put out the first version of that post while I’m getting my data fully packed up. Not a single response. Not even a like.
I suspect many platforms detect and shadowban content like this, or at least demote it or restrict its visibility. It’s what I would do if I ran an unethical social media platform trying to increase the number of active users.
aa i didn’t see that lol
actually Cunningham’s Law
China invented fireworks around 1k years ago, but Germany made the first one that went to space (the V2, the same one they used to bomb a bunch of places in WWII), and scientists from Germany helped to develop rockets a lot further after Operation Paperclip
I thought it was funny how Trump was just nodding along while Harris was saying that people often leave his rallies due to boredom. Also, him basically outright saying that immigration has never happened in the history of the country, along with the other nonsensical things he’s said.
Wow, I’m glad I have auto-renew enabled.
yea, its funny to see from 2010, back when google wasn’t evil
Doesn’t a 3070 have less than 7k cores? A UHD 750 (relatively recent iGPU) only has 256.
And I don’t know the structure of JSON that well, but can’t tokens be made of multiple chars?
Depends, I think. In the same order of magnitude definitely.
Edit: this makes me wonder, is it possible to get an orthographic perspective with an ordinary size (but maybe not standard) lens on a normal camera?
I guess like Google Maps transit but it also allows you to pay on the platform
People here are not understanding that language changes with location
I never even use emojis. I’m just saying that ambiguity isn’t an emoji-specific problem.
Is there context here that I’m missing? I’m confused