I’m sorry, but nothing can beat this: https://www.congress.gov/bill/119th-congress/house-bill/1161/text?s=1&r=3
I’m sorry, but nothing can beat this: https://www.congress.gov/bill/119th-congress/house-bill/1161/text?s=1&r=3
If it’s on fire and the autolocks, you know the doors are strong enough to not budge when you try to kick them open.
That’s a very quaternionphobic list.
Even from a pure selfish perspective, this is the more important issue. That interviewee (who’s name I won’t write, as to not increase the score of this post when people search it) already can’t work there because he failed the interview (or because the interview failed him) and the damage was already done (his name got exposed), but anyone else who considers interviewing with Dr. Alok Kashyap of Yatiken Software should consider this a warning that if they do - their name may be exposed as well.
This. This is the real issue here. I doubt his current (I assume - this could also be an old screenshot) employer is going to mind too much his “money-driven mindset” and all that other stuff (I mean - they do know him far longer than Dr. Kashyap does), but they are going to be very interested in the very fact that he was interviewing with another company.
She made the error of neglecting to go public.
I won’t do it for my cats though. Not because I don’t love them (because I do!) - I simply can’t trust them not to abuse that commitment.
Still not as weird as microwaving tea.
Never skip wheel day
XML is good for markup. The problem is that people too often confuse “markup” and “serialization”.
Are we fat-shaming cars now?
How often are you buying furniture? Every day? Every week? Every month?
Just entered it, with my Google credentials, even though I’m neither a woman nor an American. If they are going to track people who read it, let’s add as much garbage data as we can (to the tracking, not to the sheet)
We don’t care about your sexual preferences.
Is this even noteworthy anymore?
There will always be a difference between the two-things-in-a-basement mentality and the oh-god-won’t-somebody-think-of-the-shareholders mentality.
I initially read that as medieval management and now I cannot read it any other way.
Not sure I’d chose to use the word “sweet” here…
Of course I know AI? Who do you think wrote this resume?
I asked my house cat. He said he can beat them both.