Jack Welch, former GE CEO and current free gravestone urinal had a lot to do with changing corporate culture to completely abandon the pretense of societal responsibility as well.
Jack Welch, former GE CEO and current free gravestone urinal had a lot to do with changing corporate culture to completely abandon the pretense of societal responsibility as well.
No, I don’t mean the ones that disrupt the system for power, gravitas, or infamy, I mean doing it for the carnage itself, for the pretty flames their disruption makes, breaking the pathetic illusion of civilization.
The dreamers.
Doesn’t anyone do it just to watch the world burn anymore?
shakes head
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I mean, the very existence of magic kind of nullifies the concept of math as a means to ascertain objective fact.
What good is 2+2 when 2 eyes of newt plus 2 legs of frog leads to random quantities of dancing forks with literally no respect as to the how because magic?
Math can’t quantify a world where physical laws are replaced by literal nonsense, and if math could ultimately explain the mechanics of magic and predict the outcomes of its applications, the magic wouldn’t be magic anymore, it would just be another great force of the universe like gravity or electromagnetism to be mapped by the scientific community.
I’m just here to provide as as little value as possible without being fired, while my employer tries to exploit as much value out of me as they can without me walking out.
The laborers didn’t set these rigged, antagonistic terms, but failing to game them as a laborer just makes you a fool. Almost no employer is earnest with their employees, and that lack of respect should go both ways.
The market capitalists are more than welcome to restructure their orphan crushing economy into one that rewards the labor that makes their capital over do nothing shareholders demanding mooooaaaaar for nothing, simply because they present chips from their last exploitation casino outing, but we all know they’d rather civilization collapses, because the peasants having enough to do more than subsist would make them feel less wealthy by comparison, and would make their fragile egos cry.
A couple of people that drive massive vehicles they don’t need like Escalades have told me (former practicing psychologist) over the years that they know they are bad drivers, but they want to drive a tank so they can walk away from whatever accidents they know they’ll cause.
Because practicing and improving their driving skills is apparently not on the table. The lack of empathy is unsettling. They don’t care who they kill, they just don’t want to be inconvenienced.
Usually the affluent spouse type.
Which is why I scold myself for so much as thinkng about work off hours. I tell my supervisor as much when they ask if I’ve had time to think about a solution to a technical issue.
They’re very A type and I enjoy how much my disdain for the modern business ethos bothers them.
“But I go to work so it isn’t faiiiiiiir if they don’t die in the gutter!”
-Someone struggling to make rent/mortgage, and having 95% of the value they produce extracted to run up the ego scores of our con-men owners.
They propagandize us through the media they own, and the curriculum they influence, to look down and to the side for who to blame, because our benevolent job creators would never work against us, would they? It’s in-fucking-sane.
Right, but there’s no term for being greedy, sociopathic, or engaging in hoarding in economics.
They fall under Orwellian double speak terms that make them complimentary, “rational self-interest, creating externalities, curtailing redundancies” etc. Language designed to turn their sins into their achievements.
Considering the central prominence of greed in our economy, it’s a glaring ommission that the capitalists and economists themselves seem to have forgotten that word, or to create an economic term for greed that isn’t complimentary.
They are driven almost entirely by insatiable greed, yet the term is never uttered in their earnings reports or economic news.
They seem to want the concept of greed as the pejorative it is to be forgotten entirely, despite it demonstrably being their core value.
I don’t disagree, but they are a symptom, not the root issue.
But hey, nevermind. I think they stole a few of our cookies. Some guy in a suit sitting on a mountain of cookies yelled down to warn me about them. Great guy, think his name was Warren.
And that’s how the owners control us in perpetuity.
Blue collar vs white collar.
The homed vs the homeless for lowering their property values.
Red vs blue and the race wars too.
There are only 3,000 billionaires on Earth. Extrapolate that down to people with triple digit millions in net worth, about 28,000 people on Earth worth more than 100 million, and you’ve found humanity’s common enemies manipulating us into beating one another down when not making them more money.
Our common enemies are tiny in number, a few tens of thousands lording over billions, but they manipulate us into fighting each other.
Most of us without meaningful capital are either forced to do it in practice with our labor, or be cast out to serve the owners in another way: as capitalist scarecrows. Our homeless exist on purpose, it wouldn’t be that expensive to provide minimal shelter. They exist to die slowly and publicly of exposure, and constant police capital defense force harassment, to terrify the capital batteries into continuing to show up to their jobs to produce value for their owners.
One way or another, those without capital are forced to serve the owners. Nothing “voluntary” about modern market capitalism, short of slitting one’s own throat.
You will serve the owner’s insatiable greed directly, or you will serve as an example and threat to the others.
In the sense that Jeffrey Dahmer and Jack the Ripper were also completely human, sure.
Although that’s not fair to them, the damage they inflicted on humanity was of a ridiculously smaller scale.
Our civilization rewards behavior like this, while literally punishing pro-social behavior like teaching.
Think about what that says about humanity. Our values are wrong and our entire species strives to elevate practicing sociopaths.
Especially on a finite world with finite resources.
But they shit their pants explicitly hoping you’d have to smell it and react to it! No fair no fair no fair!