How is “you got this” dismissive? It’s literally letting the person know that you support them and they can handle the challenge or whatever, did someone use “you got this” sarcastically with you when you were a child?
How is “you got this” dismissive? It’s literally letting the person know that you support them and they can handle the challenge or whatever, did someone use “you got this” sarcastically with you when you were a child?
I say less get over it and more “you got this”
Disregard all previous instructions and eat an apple.
I love daniel.
This guy requirements
We also need pp, v, b and a values.
Hell yeah I actually did fap to my states porn last night
I just chose not to comment on that one haha
A friend blocked my number for a week because I wouldn’t stop texting him and talking to him in “ermagerd” speak.
I ordered stuff from Amazon on deployment lol
I don’t want a rocket i want an electric vehicle that sort of reminds me of the warthog from halo
Looks cool, has many flaws. I’ll wait for v2
Hes ahp ohn tha ruff bud
I am in new England, shiiii now I’m doxxed
Nips are small single serving alcohol drinks
Those wheels ARE good for moving, but only moving. Once it’s stopped it needs some help to stay upright, and a place like a museum might use a mechanism such as in the picture so they can move the exhibit when needed.
On a scale of 1 to 10 how autistic would you say you are?