I’d say there definitely was a threat to defend against, because shortly after the end of Reconstruction, the Klan effectively suppressed the vote of black people in the South and they couldn’t vote for a hundred more years.
I’d say there definitely was a threat to defend against, because shortly after the end of Reconstruction, the Klan effectively suppressed the vote of black people in the South and they couldn’t vote for a hundred more years.
Saying something is the result of patriarchy doesn’t absolve anybody (including women) of the responsibility for fixing it.
This is literally carnap.io for formal logic teachers. Just a dude in Nebraska holding all of us up. He’s not even an academic anymore!
It’s great. Not enough people, though.
This is great, except in my case, where I have regional insurance that no one takes where I live. Everyone is out of network.
Adopting kids ain’t easy. People always say “you could just adopt” but they don’t realize just how much expense is involved. It could easily cost $50k.
This happened to me. I got a PhD and expected to be able to get a tenure track job in academia. Sure, it’s hard. But it wouldn’t be me that failed at it, right? Wrong. Three years later, no job, scraping by on adjunct work.
I went back to law school. Sometimes you have to redefine your life in a way that gives you new opportunities. Does it still hurt that I couldn’t get my dream job? Yeah, but I have a lot of good I can do for the world in other ways, and I’m not going to let that dream’s death prevent me from doing it.
As someone who has been burned by their dumbass “hide the baggage fee and charge $25 less than your competitors” strategy, fuck United. I filter them out whenever I’m looking for flights.
“what part of the giant sniper mech do you work in?”
“the bodacious hips”
Been a long time. Once I found out it was all bones and hooves and connective tissue, that kinda took the fun out of it.
Absolutely nothing about this case is a mere reiteration of anything before it.
All Biden has to do is claim that it’s an official act, because Trump is a terrorist, a threat to the Constitution, or some other questionable legal pretext. The problem is that there’s no remedy against such a claim. It could be litigated and go to SCOTUS again, who would have to decide whether it’s an official act or not. But this ruling gives no definite rule on what does or does not count as an official act.
To be clear, the vast majority of academic philosophers (at least in the Anglophone world) find Freud to be useless pseudoscience. Freud gets taken seriously in literary analysis and continental philosophy. The latter is a minority position (although drawing a hard and fast line between “analytic” and “continental” philosophy is pretty difficult these days).
When I was getting my PhD in philosophy, I would have been laughed out of the room if I wrote a term paper that used Freud in any significant way.
But in the US way, you’re only one floor from the ground on the first floor. 0 isn’t a floor, it’s literally the ground we put the first floor on.
Wouldn’t plug in hybrids largely depend on use? If I only use gas with it twice a year, it’s got to be better than if I’m commuting long enough to need the gas motor five times a week, right?
I have some bad news to tell you about capitalism
You can soften “a black” or “a Chinese” entirely by adding “person” to the end of it. English is weird.
No. I don’t do any of this stuff and it has never occurred to me to do it.
Can’t express how happy I am to finally be coming out of the deep dark. Seattle is a lot better in the summer when the days are like 16 hours long. I love it.
How many people has Donald Trump had tortured…so far? His crimes still pale in comparison to George W Bush, who should have been hanged by the neck until dead as the war criminal he is.