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One of my coworkers struggles with this too, but maybe for different reasons.
My coworker projects that he just wants a long term relationship. That’s fine and dandy on the surface, but hear me out for a second. Would you rather date someone who loves you specifically, or someone who just wants to be in a relationship? Would you rather be with someone who finds you amazing, or someone who is only dating you because other people their age are dating?
This can also cause the person you’re interested in to be concerned about whether you are who you say you are. It may cause them to question if you did really fall for them, or if you’re playing the part to avoid being single. People who have experienced that will be more cautious dating anyone who just wants to be with someone.
I’m not saying that’s the case for you, but I’ve seen it happen a lot. I think that’s also a part of what people mean when they tell you to focus on building yourself up, and to let love happen when it happens. Don’t be like my coworker.
You are still very young, and you have a lifetime ahead of you. Don’t count yourself out yet.
It’s probably not feasible or realistic for most people, but I met people through working for a temp agency in my early twenties. Sometimes I would work with up to three different teams of people in one week. The pay was shite, but it actually really helped me curb a lot of my social anxiety. I met some awesome people that way.
Tbh, I almost caved and got premium, but I have a lot of the same issues with Youtube that you have.
A big YouTuber was doxxed recently by another big YouTuber, and Youtube did nothing about it. If I was him, I would be going to court.
I think that that bot might actually be preventing the AITA community from growing. Yeah, it’s easy enough to block the bot. I don’t disagree with that at all.
The majority of new users may look at the community and see nothing but bot posts. I don’t know about you, but if all I see on a community are bot posts, I tend to skip that community. I don’t always care to go digging through numerous posts to see if it’s worth it to block a bot. Doubly so, if there is so much bot posting that the normal posts are practically hidden. A new user may just assume that the community is intended for bots and just skip it altogether.
I don’t care about AITA anymore to be honest, but too many bot posts can definitely hinder the growth of a community. I think that would be true for many communities.
Imo, it’s a touch worse when the community is based on personal stories. No one will really benefit from voting/discussing. Instead, you’re reading posts that someone else intended for another group on another website. There isn’t really a lot of “community” that you can get with that. Short story readers group, I guess? The actual OP certainly won’t get any of the input.
Tbh I found the walking dead kind of boring after the first season. There is only so much you can do in a very specific setting before you start falling into a lot of tropes. It got to a point where I started paying too much attention to the wrong things. For example, if I was in a zombified world, I don’t think that staying clean shaven from neck to toe would be a priority lol.
No hate to anyone who enjoys it though, you do you. I’m almost certain that I enjoy something that you find boring.
That kind of comes down to values, though. Does a person value Oreos over honesty and integrity, or do they just enjoy Oreos? Someone might also enjoy most foods, they might prefer to fence, or they might prefer to knit.
TBH if I was filthy rich, I would help my loved ones, keep a decent retirement savings (reasonable), and then probably give the rest away. I would feel pretty bad keeping that kind of money if I knew that other people were starving and homeless. Happier people make for a better society too, imo.
What bathroom should someone born with both parts use?
If an instance doesn’t want a negative reputation for doing certain things, they should prioritize not doing those certain things.
If you act like an arse, people are going to think that you’re an arse. If you want people to think that you’re pleasant, you should try acting pleasant. If someone acts like an arse but expects to be called pleasant, I would think that person is delusional. Too many people are like this, then get upset when people don’t want to deal with them.
Frankly, life is too short to deal with certain people. Why would I waste my time and happiness for a troll?
I might block the instance soon. It doesn’t seem like I would be losing much at the moment.
I used to just cut the top off of the box using a kitchen knife. I would start just below one of the corners, with the box on it’s side, and I sawed through it.
I got some funny looks for that one when I first did it on autopilot around other people lmao.
You know that the serrated lines on the box aren’t great when cutting the cardboard with a kitchen knife is legitimately easier. The blade wasn’t even serrated.
It’s been this way for years. I remember when reddit started getting influxes of highschoolers.
Don’t get me wrong, everyone should have a voice. That being said, I’m not sure most teenagers are really able to fully participate or advise on a lot of topics. For example, most teenagers won’t be able have solid marriage advice, nor will most of them have hands on experience working.
One of the worst examples that comes to mind was this thread on AITA where the parent was wondering if selling the car that they promised their son to keep a roof over ther head was immoral. For context, the father died a long time ago, and they had bad medical bills to pay. It was pretty easy to spot the lack of nuance in the comments on that thread, I have to tell ya. Shelter isn’t something that you’re really OK without. Many people seemed to think it wasn’t necessary, and that a teenager needed a car (that wasn’t in his name) more than he needed a roof over his head. I was flabbergasted, to be honest.
We don’t clean ours as often as we probably should, but our fridge is also weird to begin with. It has this fun habit where it gets so cold that the top shelf will literally form ice, and that’s if we have it on the medium setting. On the high setting, it turns into a vertical freezer lol.
It looks sick in the dark sometimes, because you can literally see the cold air coming out.
Think of the art pieces as placeholders. It tells the system that you spent a million on art, instead of telling the system that you spent a million on illegal things.
Eh, it also depends on where you live. I don’t know what it’s like over there, but we have an addiction crisis where I live. People steal many odd things, sometimes because they like them, sometimes to sell them, and other times because they hatch a crazy plan that they give up on halfway through.
We definitely have certain people that are regularly kicked out of stores due to prior misbehaviour. (Assult, theft, biohazard stuff, etc.) Sometimes there’s only so much that you can deal with from the same person, you know? It can get to the point where you just ban someone.
The consumers of Canada will have a chance to review their products too to ensure they have had a perfect time for their own life and to make sure they have had a perfect time for them deal to make people feel better than they would have knocked out of the posts and they have had a perfect time for a very long run into the mix and the like for the use it as a base-line and the like for the use it is for the use it is for the use it as a base-line of a finite and I hope u stay in the past was the same password on the phone at the same password on the phone at the moment and it says it has to pay for things like your speed bump in it but it could be partially due for the use it as a base-line of a finite or the other hand that is expected to be honest and to make sure more is not the first place I want more than I see a guard to be the way to fail to see an angry dating service even though the online by the people who have worked on their craft for their whole life and thousands of dollars to get a lot of people don’t struggle with basic troubleshooting and I miss the opportunity to learn about the lack of posts or effort to increase the community of people who might forget that they might still be around in the future.
Now that you mention it, yes. I used to be able to just swipe without any problems, but now I only type letter-by-letter when I’m texting someone from work.
Why, you may ask? My phone has this odd tendency to try and insult my boss/coworkers when I swipe text. I don’t insult people in other places, but my phone seems very eagar to literally call them things like “wimp”, “loser”, “hoe”, etc. I don’t want to get written up, so every letter is now typed individually. I’ve had way too many close calls lmao
I think my workplace had that until they realized that it also stopped management from being reachable. Fucking lol.
I’ve had a very similar experience. I can’t remember a summer where we’ve hit 30C this frequently. One of our provinces lit up with tornado warnings like a Christmas tree last week, including places that were initially only supposed to get small thunderstorms.
I’m also very concerned about the upcoming weather systems. Scientists are now predicting that this el Nino is likely to last into next year, which could spell a lot of trouble for some people.
In some areas, we can look at previous moisture data and make a pretty decent guess that they will receive more or less precipitation than they would in a normal year. Other areas fluctuate a lot more in that regard. Anyone in those fluctuating areas should pay close attention to the weather during this winter. A warmer winter in those areas could mean less snow, but it could also mean that they will have to deal with heavy ice storms.
With all of these new record-breaking temperatures, long term weather prediction is coming into uncharted territory. A large amount of our weather is controlled by these sea temperatures.
From what I read on the US NOAA, there is also great uncertainty this year in terms of tropical storms. Tropical storms thrive and feed on heat and humidity. Normally an el Nino would mean that the Pacific ocean heat would create winds with enough force to shear through developing tropical storms. This year, it’s a waiting game to see which winds will be stronger. This affects Canada too, as our eastern parts can also see these bad storms.
Are you trying to trick people into clicking on reddit? /j
I think they should be stricter on people who give or sell them to minors. Maybe they should start charging parents every time teens are caught vaping, until the source is found. Add more pressure, make it more difficult to ignore than it is to deal with an angry teenager.
If they want more people to switch to EVs specifically, they absolutely need to try to make some changes if they can.
Chargers: In a world where many people are living in old apartment buildings and condos, people are going to need public chargers. I don’t just mean enough for 20 people. If we want a big societal switch, we need to be able to assure people that they won’t encounter what happened in Texas recently. 60 chargers is still pretty rough if your city has half a million people in it.
Cost: MANY people can only afford used vehicles. This is not only because of the up-front cost. Parts for repairs can become a massive factor when deciding what type of car to buy. Even if you can get a used car for 6K, you might not go for it if you know that certain important repairs will cost you up to 20K.
Design: There are concerns for a lot of people with things being too screen-based. Some people like knobs that you can change without having to look away from the road. How many functions will be stuck behind a subscription? Will an update brick your car? Is it ok to tow normally, or will it sometimes require a special flatbed that most people can’t afford? Do we have the battery fire thing under full control yet?
If every single car eventually becomes too expensive, driving will either become a “caste” thing, or people will put things together at home that might be even worse for the environment. Shoddy DIY repairs can also count for this.