It might not be called aphantasia since it isn’t for sight, but yeah it exists, I have it for taste and smell.
It might not be called aphantasia since it isn’t for sight, but yeah it exists, I have it for taste and smell.
Florida allows felons to vote if the state the felony conviction occurred in allows felons to vote. New York allows felons to vote, thus Florida allows him to vote.
Two ways I can think of to close that loophole: a) make tie the minimum wage to the executive’s total compensation, so the workers either get the proportionate amount of stocks as the CEO or money of equivalent market value (also include expected performance bonus as part of that) and/or b) keep a basic minimum wage around as well, so that CEOs can’t accept a pitifully low salary outright.
I think it’s making fun of Elon calling the delay in his interview with Trump the result of a DDOS attack, when best case scenario it looks like it might have been caused by too much normal traffic straining the twitter servers trying to watch it.
Wait really, they’re adding Red Rescue Team!? Didn’t Nintendo just release the remake of that game recently.
Oh no, it was four years ago, it feels like it was more recent than that.
Some absolutely do, some nominally don’t but don’t stop to think about the implications of what they say they want, and probably most think education is great. The term Christian refers to so many people that making any broad assertions is going to be wrong for large percentages of the group.
See, you say they can’t impeach someone who isn’t in office, I’m pretty sure they actually can but usually just don’t bother because there didn’t used to be much point.
You missed a step in that plan of yours of also taking out every single supreme court justice that decided to give the president full immunity at the same time he took out Trump. Anyone willing to do that is clearly both too traitorous to the nation to be allowed to keep their and too stupid for not seeing that coming to be allowed to live and continue to do such damage in the future.
(Disclaimer, not actually advocating for murder, I don’t think)
And then they make an FAQ based on feedback from that thread, and instead of posting it anywhere actually public they put it in their Discord and direct everyone there instead.
Even still, sounds to me like a very effective way to signal support for the striking workers. Obviously he can’t participate for the entire strike, he has shit to do and would easily garner much more criticism doing that. I suspect everyone that disapproves of this move disapproves of the man anyway.
I just now found the community on my first try searcing for “PC master race”. If it hadn’t shown up I would have just assumed it didn’t exist, rather than that it just had a different name.
How do you think Tucker Carlson avoided getting sued off the air for as long as he did?